In This Issue...
Save Your Fingers, Save Your Eyes
Remember that all the source programs which appear in the Apple Assembly Line are available on disk, ready to assembly with the S-C Assembler II Version 4.0. Every three months I collect it all on a Quarterly Disk, and you can get it for only $15. QD#1 covers AAL issues 1-3 (October thru December 1980), and QD#2 covers AAL issues 4-6 (January thru March 1981). QD#3 will be out at the end of May, covering issues 7-9. Some AAL subscribers have chosen to set up a standing order for the Quarterly Disks, so they get them as soon as they are ready.
Not only does it save you a lot of typing time. You also are saved the hours you might spend looking for the inadvertant changes you made while you typed!
Another Utility from RAK-WARE
Bob Kovacs is sure keeping busy! Last month he announced the Cross Reference Utility which works with your S-C ASSEMBLER II source programs. This month he has a Global Search & Replace Utility ready (see his ad on page 4). It is a nice companion to his disassembler, because it gives you a fast way to change all the labels made up by the disassembler into meaningful names.
If You Need Disks...
For a limited time, I am able to offer you a good price on Verbatim DataLife disks. These are bulk packaged, 20 to a pack, with no labels and with white sleeves. They are the same ones I use myself. I will send you a package of 20 for only $50.
Apple's Lo-Res graphics capability includes a SCRN(X,Y) function, to determine the color currently on the screen at the given X,Y point. For some reason they did not provide the corresponding HSCRN(X,Y) function for Hi-Res graphics.
The following program implements the HSCRN function using the "&" character. If you write the statement "& HSCRN (A=X,Y)", this program will store either a 1 or a 0 into the variable A. The value 0 will be stored in A if there is not a spot plotted at X, Y; the value 1 will be stored if there is a spot.
Note that HPLOT(X,Y) may not result in a spot being plotted at X,Y; it depends on the HCOLOR you have set. If the HCOLOR is white, a spot will always be plotted; if it is black, a spot will always be erased; the other four colors may or may not plot a spot, depending on position and color.
The &HSCRN statement does not return the actual color, because that is MUCH more difficult to determine. The actual color depends on: whether the adjacent spots are on or off; whether X,Y is in an even or odd byte; whether X,Y is in an even or odd bit; and whether the sign bit of the byte is on or off. If you decide to add the capability to return a color value (0-7), send me a copy for this newsletter!
1000 *--------------------------------- 1010 * HI-RES SCRN FUNCTION 1020 * 1030 * & HSCRN( A=X,Y ) 1040 * X,Y DEFINES THE SPOT 1050 * A RECEIVES 0 OR 1 1060 *--------------------------------- 1070 .OR $300 1080 .TF B.HIRES SCRN 1090 *--------------------------------- 1100 AMPERSAND.VECTOR .EQ $3F5 1110 *--------------------------------- 1120 CHRGET .EQ $00B1 1130 CHRGOT .EQ $00B7 1140 SYNCHR .EQ $DEC0 1150 SYNTAX.ERROR .EQ $DEC9 1160 PTRGET .EQ $DFE3 1170 SNGFLT .EQ $E301 1180 HPOSN .EQ $F411 1190 HFNS .EQ $F6B9 1200 *--------------------------------- 1210 VALUE.TYPE .EQ $11 1220 HPNTR .EQ $26 1230 HMASK .EQ $30 1240 FORMULA.PNTR .EQ $85 1250 *--------------------------------- 1260 TOKEN.EQUALS .EQ $D0 1270 TOKEN.SCRN .EQ $D7 1280 *--------------------------------- 1290 * SETUP AMPERSAND VECTOR 1300 *--------------------------------- 1310 SETUP LDA #$4C JMP OPCODE 1320 STA AMPERSAND.VECTOR 1330 LDA #HSCRN 1340 STA AMPERSAND.VECTOR+1 1350 LDA /HSCRN 1360 STA AMPERSAND.VECTOR+2 1370 RTS 1380 *--------------------------------- 1390 * HSCRN FUNCTION 1400 *--------------------------------- 1410 HSCRN LDA #'H TEST FOR "HSCRN(" 1420 JSR SYNCHR FIRST LETTER "H" 1430 LDA #TOKEN.SCRN AND THEN TOKEN "SCRN(" 1440 JSR SYNCHR 1450 JSR PTRGET SCAN THE VARIABLE NAME 1460 STA FORMULA.PNTR SAVE ITS POINTER ADDRESS 1470 STY FORMULA.PNTR+1 1480 LDA #TOKEN.EQUALS CHECK FOR "=" 1490 JSR SYNCHR 1500 LDA VALUE.TYPE+1 SAVE VARIABLE TYPE ON STACK 1510 PHA 1520 LDA VALUE.TYPE 1530 PHA 1540 JSR HFNS SCAN "X,Y" EXPRESSIONS 1550 JSR HPOSN SET UP BASE, Y-REG, AND MASK 1560 JSR CHRGOT CHECK FOR FINAL ")" 1570 CMP #') 1580 BNE .2 SYNTAX ERROR IF NOT THERE! 1590 JSR CHRGET POSITION FOR NEXT STATEMENT 1600 LDA HMASK ISOLATE SPOT AT X,Y 1610 AND (HPNTR),Y 1620 BEQ .1 SPOT IS OFF, RETURN ZERO 1630 LDA #1 SPOT IS ON, RETURN 1 1640 .1 TAY 1650 JSR SNGFLT CONVERT BYTE TO REAL VALUE 1660 JMP $DA5B STORE IN VARIABLE, AND KEEP GOING! 1665 *--------------------------------- 1670 .2 JMP SYNTAX.ERROR 5 PRINT CHR$(4)"BLOAD B.HIRES SCRN": CALL 768 10 HGR: HCOLOR=3: HPLOT 0,0 20 FOR I=1 TO 10 30 X=RND(1)*40: Y=RND(1)*40 40 HPLOT TO X,Y: NEXT 60 FOR X=0 TO 39: FOR Y=0 TO 39 70 & H SCRN(A=X,Y): COLOR=15*A 80 PLOT X,Y: NEXT: NEXT 90 POKE -16298,0 100 GET A$: POKE -16297,0: GET A$: GOTO 90 |
A well-known problem with the paddles supplied with the Apple (at least they USED to be supplied!) concerns their tendency to rock back and forth between two adjacent values. "Jittering" like this can cause problems unless accuracy is unimportant, or unless the effect is somehow pleasing.
One solution to the jitter problem is to force the new paddle reading to move at least two increments from the prior reading. This words, but at the price of lower resolution. Also, it can have subtle side-effects.
A better solution is to keep track of the previous direction of movement, and enforcing the "rule of two" only if the direction is reversed.
The following program demonstrates my solution. It is set up to work with Applesoft, but it would be rather simple to make it directly callable from your own assembly language routines. To use from Applesoft, POKE the paddle number (0-3) at 768, CALL 770, and read the paddle value with PEEK(769).
I set up the following Applesoft program to test the routine, and to compare it with normal paddle readings:
10 POKE 768,0:CALL 770:PRINT PEEK(769):GOTO10 20 PRINT PDL(0):GOTO20
I typed RUN 20 and set the paddle to a jittery position. Then I typed control-C and RUN 10 to test the smoothing subroutine. The program really works!
1000 *--------------------------------- 1010 * PADDLE JITTER SMOOTHER 1020 * 1030 * POKE 768,<PADDLE NUMBER> 0, 1, 2, OR 3 1040 * CALL 770 1050 * P=PEEK(769) PADDLE VALUE 0-255 1060 *--------------------------------- 1070 MON.PREAD .EQ $FB1E SUBROUTINE TO READ PADDLE 1080 *--------------------------------- 1090 .OR $300 1100 *--------------------------------- 1110 PADDLE.NUMBER .BS 1 1120 PADDLE.VALUE .BS 1 1130 *--------------------------------- 1140 PADDLE.JITTER.SMOOTHER 1150 LDA PADDLE.NUMBER 1160 AND #3 BE CERTAIN 0>=PDL#>=3 1170 TAX 1180 JSR MON.PREAD READ PADDLE VALUE 1190 TYA SAVE IN A-REG TOO 1200 CPY PADDLE.VALUE.1 1210 BEQ .8 SAME, RETURN THIS VALUE 1220 LDX PADDLE.VALUE.1 DETERMINE PREVIOUS DIRECTION 1230 CPX PADDLE.VALUE.2 1240 BCS .2 IT WAS INCREASING 1250 *--------------------------------- 1260 * IT WAS DECREASING... 1270 *--------------------------------- 1280 CPY PADDLE.VALUE.1 WHAT IS CURRENT DIRECTION? 1290 BCC .6 STILL DECREASING, SO ACCEPT IT 1300 DEY SEE IF ONLY 1 STEP 1310 BCS .5 ...ALWAYS 1320 *--------------------------------- 1330 * IT WAS INCREASING... 1340 .2 CPY PADDLE.VALUE.1 DETERMINE CURRENT DIRECTION 1350 BCS .6 STILL INCREASING, SO ACCEPT IT 1360 INY SEE IF ONLY 1 STEP 1370 *--------------------------------- 1380 * REVERSED DIRECTION 1390 *--------------------------------- 1400 .5 CPY PADDLE.VALUE.1 IF SAME NOW, IGNORE IT 1410 BNE .6 USE NEW VALUE 1420 TXA USE PREVIOUS VALUE 1430 BCS .8 ...ALWAYS 1440 *--------------------------------- 1450 * ACCEPT NEW READING 1460 *--------------------------------- 1470 .6 STX PADDLE.VALUE.2 OLDEST READING 1480 STA PADDLE.VALUE.1 PREVIOUS READING 1490 *--------------------------------- 1500 .8 STA PADDLE.VALUE CURRENT READING 1510 RTS 1520 *--------------------------------- 1530 PADDLE.VALUE.1 .DA #0 1540 PADDLE.VALUE.2 .DA #0 1550 *--------------------------------- |
Now for another article aimed at that half of you who are really new to 6502 assembly language!
Sliding the bits in a byte back and forth, to the left or the right, is one of the traditional things computers like to do. Big computers have fancy instructions for doing it in many different ways, with special effects along the way. The 6502 only has four "shift" opcodes, so we have to work harder to get all the types of shifting our programs need.
Why shift anything? For various reasons, to suit your fancy. Since data in a byte is normally construed as a binary number, a shift left one bit-position will double the value and a shift right one bit-position will halve the value. If it is important to isolate a particular bit field out of a byte, and then to left or right justify the value which was stored in that field so that testing or arithmetic can be performed, you need shifting instructions. In order to implement multiply and divide on the 6502 you need shifting instructions. To position data for insertion into a bit field within a byte you need to shift. And more.
Show me a picture of a shift. Well, the 6502 makes that easy, because it is limited to shifting a byte to the left or the right, one bit-position at a time.
First let's look at the LSR instruction, which shifts right one bit-position. "LSR" stands for "Logical Shift Right". LSR will shift the contents of a byte one bit-position to the right, like this:
LSR shifts in a zero-bit on the left end; the bit that is shifted out the right end goes into the CARRY status bit.
In the sample above the binary value of the old byte is $9D in hex, or 157 decimal. After shifting, the value is $4E hex or 78 decimal (157/2 = 78.5).
The fact the the bit shifted "out" goes into the CARRY status bit makes it possible to test what that bit was. For example, if you need to test a byte to see if it is even or odd, you can LSR it once and then do BCC or BCS to test the carry bit. If carry is set, the number was odd; if clear, it was even. The bit stored in CARRY can have other uses we will discover later.
Now let's see the ASL ("Arithmetic Shift Left") do its thing. It will shift a byte one bit-position to the left, with a zero coming in the right end. The bit shifted out the left end goes into the CARRY status bit. See the similarity to the LSR instruction?
Note that the value is doubled; $1D (29) became $3A (58). This will not always be true; if the bit shifted out was a 1-bit, it will be doubled modulo 256. Integer BASIC users will know what that means, because they have the MOD function. For Applesoft-only people, it will mean here that the result is 256 less than the doubled value should be. Let's see an example: shifting 10011101 with ASL produces 00111010; $9D (157) becomes $3A (58), which is 256 less than 2*157.
More about the carry bit. Suppose I want to see if the third bit in a byte is 1 or 0. If the bit positions are numbered left to right from 7 down to 0 (like this: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0), I want to test bit 5. If I do three ASL's in a row, bit 5 will be in the CARRY status bit, and I can test it. Or, I could do two ASL's in a row, and look at the MINUS status bit. After a shift, the MINUS status bit is set if the new bit 7 is a 1-bit, or cleared if bit 7 is a 0-bit. The BPL and BMI instructions test the MINUS status bit.
There are two more shift instructions to look at: ROL and ROR. "ROL" is pronounced like a type of bread you eat at dinner, and "ROR" like the noise those giant cats at the zoo make. "ROL" stands for "Rotate One Left"; "ROR" means "Rotate One Right". They work just like LSR and ASL, except for what is shifted in to the byte. LSR shifts a zero-bit in the left end, and ASL shifts a zero-bit in the right end. ROL and ROR shift the old CARRY status bit in, just before the shifted-out bit comes into the CARRY bit.
What about shifting values which take two bytes? We can do it using combinations of the four opcodes. Suppose you want to shift a 16-bit value stored at $1234 and $1235 left one bit-position. You want a zero to enter the least significant bit position, which is bit 0 of $1234. You want the most significant bit, bit 7 of $1235, to be in CARRY when you are through. Here is the program:
ASL $1234 0 --> bit 0, bit 7 --> CARRY ROL $1235 CARRY --> bit 0, then bit 7 into CARRY |
Simple, isn't it!
Addressing Modes. The four shift instructions all have the same five addressing modes. There is a one-byte form which shifts the A-register. Some assemblers write this as "ASL A", and don't allow "A" to be used as a label elsewhere. The S-C ASSEMBLER II writes it as just "ASL", so you can use "A" as a label elsewhere if you wish. The other addressing modes are: zero page direct; zero page,X; absolute; and absolute,X. No indirect modes, or indexing by Y modes are available.
[If you remember the article a few months ago about the "secret" opcodes, you will also remember that the two indirect-indexed modes and the absolute,Y mode are available if you don't mind what happens to the A-register after the shift. Or, if what does happen is something you also wanted. You might look up the article.]
Some real examples. The Apple Monitor ROM has some good examples in it. Disassemble (or look in the Monitor listing in the Reference Manual) at $FBC1 (the BASCALC subroutine. If you have the old Monitor ROMs, the multiply and divide subroutines at $FB60 and $FB81 are good examples. The PRBYTE subroutine at $FDDA uses four LSR's to get at the first hex digit. The subroutine DIG at $FF8A is used to convert ascii hex numbers to binary. Let's look at that one here:
The ASCII value of the hex digit has already been modified so that the digit's value is in bits 3-0. The first four ASL's shift those 4 bits up to bits 7-4. The next ASL shifts the top bit into CARRY, and then the two ROL's shift that bit into the 16-bit value at A2L and A2H. The ASL-ROL-ROL loop is done four times, so all four bits are shifted into A2L,A2H.
In the Applesoft ROMs there is a subroutine which shifts a 32-bit value right any number of bit-positions. The subroutine is used in the floating point arithmetic package to adjust mantissas. It has the interesting feature (for speed's sake) of shifting 8 bits at a time until the shift count is less than 8. This is done by moving bytes with LDY-STY pairs. The code is at $E8DC thru $E912. The normal entry point is at $E8F0, with the number of bit-positions to be shifted in the A-register as a negative number, and with CARRY clear. The code above $E8F0 shifts right by bytes, and the code after $E8F0 shifts right by bits. The data to be shifted is in page zero, offset by the value in the X-register.
A somewhat similar subroutine is used to normalize the mantissa after a calculation. "Normalize" means to shift the mantissa left until the most significant bit is a one-bit. This code is at $E82E-E854 and $E874-E880. The first portion shifts left by bytes until the leading byte is non-zero (or until it has been determined that the whole value is zero). Once the leading byte is found to be non-zero, the second portion of code shifts left by bits until the leading bit is 1. The number of bit-positions shifted is counted as the subroutine moves along, and that value is subtracted from the exponent value of the floating point number ($E882-E88B).
Disassemble the routines I have pointed out in the various ROMs, and study them a while. Then try writing some of your own examples. Here is an assignment: write a subroutine that will shift a 16-bit value left or right from 0-15 bit positions. The value to be shifted is in page zero at $9D and $9E. The shift count is in the A-register. If the value in A is zero, return without doing anything. If A is negative, it indicates a shift right. If A is positive, it means to shift left. Okay? Give it a try!
Here is the third installment of DOS disassembly, covering the routines called by RWTS.
There are six major subroutines between $B800 and BCFF. PRE.NYBBLE and POST.NYBBLE convert between memory format and disk format. READ.ADDRESS reads the next address header. READ.SECTOR reads a sector, and WRITE.SECTOR writes one. SEEK.TRACK.ABSOLUTE moves the head in or out to the desired track. With the sole exception of initializing a disk, all actual disk I/O is done by these six subroutines.
The bits that are written on the disk are considerably different from those in memory. Some computer systems make the transformation with expensive hardware controllers, but Wozniak's unique system does most of the work in software. The 13-sector controller cannot read accurately data which has two or more consecutive zero-bits. Of course, almost every byte you want to write has two or more zero-bits in a row! Therefore the software must encode the bytes you want to write.
One way to encode the bytes is to take four bits at a time, and interleave them with "clock" bits. In fact, the data in the address headers is recorded this way. For example, to record the byte "xyxyxyxy" in an address header, the two bytes "1x1x1x1x" and "1y1y1y1y" will be written. This means a 256-byte sector will take 512 bytes on the disk surface (plus header and trailer).
DOS 3.2.1 (and previous versions) use a more elaborate scheme. Each 256-byte sector is recorded as 410 bytes on the disk surface. The subroutine PRE.NYBBLE converts the 256-byte buffer to 410 bytes of 5-bits each. then the 5-bit values are converted to 8-bit values from NYBBLE.TABLE. These 8-bit values are chosen carefully; they have the following properties: 1) the first bit is "1"; 2) no consecutive zero-bits; and 3) the values $AA and $D5 are not used. As a sector is read back into memory, BYTE.TABLE is used to convert the 8-bit codes back to 5-bit values. POST.NYBBLE converts the 410 5-bit values back to 256 8-bit bytes.
In case you are curious, PRE.NYBBLE moves the bits from 256-bytes to 410 bytes like this:
5 input bytes 8 output bytes 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 A A A A A B B B 0 0 0 A A A A A C C C C C D D D 0 0 0 C C C C C E E E E E F F F 0 0 0 E E E E E G G G G G H I J 0 0 0 G G G G G K K K K K L M N 0 0 0 K K K K K 0 0 0 B B B H L 0 0 0 D D D I M 0 0 0 F F F J N
DOS 3.3 uses an even better scheme, but it requires a change in the controller ROMs. The change to one ROM gives you a different boot program; the other ROM makes the controller able to read two consecutive zero-bits accurately. (Note that SOME controller-drive combinations may be able to read two zero-bits in a row accurately WITHOUT the new ROM. Anyway, mine works!) DOS 3.3 converts the 256 bytes to 342 6-bit values; since each sector is shorter, more sectors can be written in each track. I may publish the disassembly of these same subroutines in the DOS 3.3 version next month.
Remember that DOS 3.2.1 puts 13-sectors on each track, with each sector having this format: sync bytes, address header, sync bytes, data block. Sync bytes are written to automatically synchronize the reading process, so that we can be sure we are not splitting bytes. Each sync byte is 8 one-bits followed by 1 zero-bit. The address header is 14-bytes long on the disk surface, and looks like this (in hex): D5 AA B5 vv vv ss ss tt tt cc cc DE AA EB. "vv vv" stands for the two bytes used to record the volume number; "ss ss" is the sector number; "tt tt" is the track number; and "cc cc" is the checksum of the volume, track, and sector. The data block is like this: D5 AA AD <410 bytes of data> <checksum> DE AA EB.
1000 * .LIF 1010 *--------------------------------- 1020 * DOS 3.2.1 $B800 - $BCFF 1030 *--------------------------------- 1040 .OR $B800 1050 .TA $0800 1060 *--------------------------------- 1070 BUF.PNTR .EQ $3E,3F 1080 CURRENT.TRACK .EQ $0478 1090 *--------------------------------- 1100 * DISK CONTROLLER ADDRESSES 1110 *--------------------------------- 1120 PHOFF .EQ $C080 PHASE-OFF 1130 PHON .EQ $C081 PHASE-ON 1140 MTROFF .EQ $C088 MOTOR OFF 1150 MTRON .EQ $C089 MOTOR ON 1160 DRV0EN .EQ $C08A DRIVE 0 ENABLE 1170 DRV1EN .EQ $C08B DRIVE 1 ENABLE 1180 Q6L .EQ $C08C SET Q6 LOW 1190 Q6H .EQ $C08D SET Q6 HIGH 1200 Q7L .EQ $C08E SET Q7 LOW 1210 Q7H .EQ $C08F SET Q7 HIGH 1220 * 1230 * Q6 Q7 USE OF Q6 AND Q7 LINES 1240 * ---- ---- ---------------------- 1250 * LOW LOW READ (DISK TO SHIFT REGISTER) 1260 * LOW HIGH WRITE (SHIFT REGISTER TO DISK) 1270 * HIGH LOW SENSE WRITE PROTECT 1280 * HIGH HIGH LOAD SHIFT REGISTER FROM DATA BUS 1290 .PG 1300 *--------------------------------- 1310 * CONVERT 256 BYTES TO 410 5-BIT NYBBLES 1320 *--------------------------------- 1330 PRE.NYBBLE 1340 LDX #50 51 BYTES PER SECTION 1350 LDY #0 INDEX INTO 256-BYTE BUFFER 1360 *---BUFFER PART 1, SECTION 1----- 1370 .1 LDA (BUF.PNTR),Y GET BYTE FROM BUFFER 1380 STA $26 SAVE HERE FOR LOWER 3 BITS 1390 LSR USE TOP 5 BITS 1400 LSR 1410 LSR 1420 STA RWTS.BUFFER.1.1,X 1430 *---BUFFER PART 1, SECTION 2----- 1440 INY NEXT REAL BYTE 1450 LDA (BUF.PNTR),Y GET BYTE FROM BUFFER 1460 STA $27 SAVE HERE FOR LOWER 3 BITS 1470 LSR USE TOP 5 BITS 1480 LSR 1490 LSR 1500 STA RWTS.BUFFER.1.2,X 1510 *---BUFFER PART 1, SECTION 3----- 1520 INY NEXT REAL BYTE 1530 LDA (BUF.PNTR),Y GET BYTE FROM BUFFER 1540 STA $2A SAVE FOR LOWER 3 BITS 1550 LSR 1560 LSR USE TOP 5 BITS 1570 LSR 1580 STA RWTS.BUFFER.1.3,X 1590 *---BUFFER PART 1, SECTION 4----- 1600 INY NEXT REAL BYTE 1610 LDA (BUF.PNTR),Y GET BYTE FROM BUFFER 1620 LSR USE TOP 5 BITS 1630 ROL $2A BIT 0 INTO $2A 1640 LSR 1650 ROL $27 BIT 1 INTO $27 1660 LSR 1670 ROL $26 BIT 2 INTO $26 1680 STA RWTS.BUFFER.1.4,X 1690 *---BUFFER PART 1, SECTION 5----- 1700 INY NEXT REAL BYTE 1710 LDA (BUF.PNTR),Y GET BYTE FROM BUFFER 1720 LSR USE TOP 5 BITS 1730 ROL $2A BIT 0 INTO $2A 1740 LSR 1750 ROL $27 BIT 1 INTO $27 1760 LSR HOLD BIT 2 IN CARRY-BIT 1770 STA RWTS.BUFFER.1.5,X 1780 *---BUFFER PART 2, SECTION 0----- 1790 LDA $26 APPEND BIT 2 TO $26 1800 ROL 1810 AND #$1F 5-BIT MASK 1820 STA RWTS.BUFFER.2.1,X 1830 *---BUFFER PART 2, SECTION 1----- 1840 LDA $27 1850 AND #$1F 1860 STA RWTS.BUFFER.2.2,X 1870 *---BUFFER PART 2, SECTION 2----- 1880 LDA $2A 1890 AND #$1F 1900 STA RWTS.BUFFER.2.3,X 1910 *--------------------------------- 1920 INY NEXT REAL BYTE 1930 DEX NEXT BYTE IN EACH SECTION 1940 BPL .1 LOOP UNTIL EACH SECTION FULL 1950 *--------------------------------- 1960 LDA (BUF.PNTR),Y GET LAST REAL BYTE 1970 TAX 1980 AND #7 USE LOWER 3 BITS 1990 STA RWTS.BUFFER.2.4 2000 TXA NOW GET 5 UPPER BITS 2010 LSR 2020 LSR 2030 LSR 2040 STA RWTS.BUFFER.1.6 2050 RTS 2060 .PG 2070 *--------------------------------- 2080 * WRITE A SECTOR ON THE DISK FROM RWTS.BUFFER 2090 *--------------------------------- 2100 WRITE.SECTOR 2110 SEC SET IN CASE OF ERROR RETURN 2120 LDA Q6H,X Q6 HIGH, Q7 LOW, 2130 LDA Q7L,X TO READ WRITE PROTECT STATUS 2140 BMI .5 DISK IS WRITE PROTECTED 2150 STX $27 SAVE SLOT # 2160 STX $0678 HERE, TOO 2170 LDA RWTS.BUFFER.2.1 FIRST NYBBLE OF DATA 2180 STA $26 SAVE IT 2190 LDA #$FF SYNC BYTE 2200 STA Q7H,X Q6H,Q7H: (A) TO SHIFT REGISTER 2210 ORA Q6L,X Q6L,Q7H: WRITE ON DISK 2220 PHA TIME DELAYS 2230 PLA 2240 NOP 2250 LDY #10 WRITE TEN MORE SYNC BYTES 2260 .1 ORA $26 WASTE TIME 2270 JSR WRT2 WRITE (A) ON DISK 2280 DEY 2290 BNE .1 UNTIL 10 OF THEM 2300 LDA #$D5 WRITE DATA HEADER 2310 JSR WRT1 2320 LDA #$AA 2330 JSR WRT1 2340 LDA #$AD 2350 JSR WRT1 2360 TYA A=0 2370 LDY #154 WRITE 154 NYBBLES 2380 BNE .3 ...ALWAYS 2390 .2 LDA RWTS.BUFFER.2.1,Y GET CURRENT NYBBLE AND 2400 .3 EOR RWTS.BUFFER.2.1-1,Y EOR WITH PREVIOUS NYBBLE 2410 TAX USE AS OFFSET INTO TABLE 2420 LDA NYBBLE.TABLE,X MAP 5-BITS TO 8-BITS 2430 LDX $27 GET SLOT AGAIN 2440 STA Q6H,X Q6H,Q7H: (A) TO SHIFT REGISTER 2450 LDA Q6L,X Q6L,Q7H: WRITE ON DISK 2460 DEY 2470 BNE .2 UNTIL ALL BYTES FROM THIS BLOCK DONE 2480 LDA $26 GET FIRST NYBBLE 2490 NOP 2500 .4 EOR RWTS.BUFFER.1.1,Y EOR WITH CURRENT NYBBLE 2510 TAX INDEX INTO TABLE 2520 LDA NYBBLE.TABLE,X MAP TO 8-BIT VALUE 2530 LDX $0678 SLOT # AGAIN 2540 STA Q6H,X Q6H,Q7L: (A) TO SHIFT REGISTER 2550 LDA Q6L,X Q6L,Q7H: WRITE ON DISK 2560 LDA RWTS.BUFFER.1.1,Y GET NYBBLE 2570 INY 2580 BNE .4 MORE TO DO 2590 TAX LAST NYBBLE 2600 LDA NYBBLE.TABLE,X MAP TO 8 BITS 2610 LDX $27 SLOT # AGAIN 2620 JSR WRT3 WRITE CHECK SUM ON DISK 2630 LDA #$DE WRITE TRAILER 2640 JSR WRT1 2650 LDA #$AA 2660 JSR WRT1 2670 LDA #$EB 2680 JSR WRT1 2690 LDA Q7L,X Q7L 2700 .5 LDA Q6L,X Q6L 2710 RTS 2720 *--------------------------------- 2730 WRT1 CLC WAIT 2 CYCLES 2740 WRT2 PHA WAIT 3 CYCLES 2750 PLA WAIT 4 CYCLES 2760 WRT3 STA Q6H,X Q6H,Q7H: (A) TO SHIFT REGISTER 2770 ORA Q6L,X Q6L,Q7H: WRITE ON DISK 2780 RTS 2790 .PG 2800 *--------------------------------- 2810 * READ SECTOR INTO RWTS.BUFFER 2820 *--------------------------------- 2830 READ.SECTOR 2840 LDY #32 MUST FIND $D5 WITHIN 32 BYTES 2850 .1 DEY 2860 BEQ ERROR.RETURN 2870 .2 LDA Q6L,X READ SHIFT REGISTER 2880 BPL .2 WAIT FOR FULL BYTE 2890 .3 EOR #$D5 SEE IF FOUND $D5 2900 BNE .1 NOT YET 2910 NOP DELAY BEFORE NEXT READ 2920 .4 LDA Q6L,X READ SHIFT REGISTER 2930 BPL .4 WAIT FOR FULL BYTE 2940 CMP #$AA SEE IF $AA 2950 BNE .3 NO 2960 LDY #154 BYTE COUNT FOR LATER 2970 .5 LDA Q6L,X READ SHIFT REGISTER 2980 BPL .5 WAIT FOR FULL BYTE 2990 CMP #$AD IS IT $AD? 3000 BNE .3 NO 3010 *--------------------------------- 3020 LDA #0 BEGIN CHECKSUM 3030 .6 DEY 3040 STY $26 3050 .7 LDY Q6L,X READ SHIFT REGISTER 3060 BPL .7 WAIT FOR FULL BYTE 3070 EOR BYTE.TABLE,Y CONVERT TO NYBBLE 3080 LDY $26 BUFFER INDEX 3090 STA RWTS.BUFFER.2.1,Y 3100 BNE .6 3110 .8 STY $26 3120 .9 LDY Q6L,X READ SHIFT REGISTER 3130 BPL .9 WAIT FOR FULL BYTE 3140 EOR BYTE.TABLE,Y CONVERT TO NYBBLE 3150 LDY $26 3160 STA RWTS.BUFFER.1.1,Y 3170 INY 3180 BNE .8 3190 .10 LDY Q6L,X READ CHECKSUM 3200 BPL .10 3210 CMP BYTE.TABLE,Y 3220 BNE ERROR.RETURN 3230 .11 LDA Q6L,X READ TRAILER 3240 BPL .11 3250 CMP #$DE 3260 BNE ERROR.RETURN 3270 NOP 3280 .12 LDA Q6L,X 3290 BPL .12 3300 CMP #$AA 3310 BEQ GOOD.RETURN 3320 ERROR.RETURN 3330 SEC 3340 RTS 3350 .PG 3360 *--------------------------------- 3370 * READ ADDRESS 3380 *--------------------------------- 3390 READ.ADDRESS 3400 LDY #$F8 TRY 1800 TIMES (FROM $F8F8 TO $10000) 3410 STY $26 3420 .1 INY 3430 BNE .2 3440 INC $26 3450 BEQ ERROR.RETURN 3460 .2 LDA Q6L,X READ SHIFT REGISTER 3470 BPL .2 WAIT FOR FULL BYTE 3480 .3 CMP #$D5 SEE IF $D5 3490 BNE .1 NO 3500 NOP DELAY 3510 .4 LDA Q6L,X READ SHIFT REGISTER 3520 BPL .4 WAIT FOR FULL BYTE 3530 CMP #$AA SEE IF $AA 3540 BNE .3 NO 3550 LDY #3 READ 3 BYTES LATER 3560 .5 LDA Q6L,X READ SHIFT REGISTER 3570 BPL .5 3580 CMP #$B5 SEE IF $B5 3590 BNE .3 NO 3600 LDA #0 START CHECK SUM 3610 .6 STA $27 3620 .7 LDA Q6L,X READ REGISTER 3630 BPL .7 3640 ROL 3650 STA $26 3660 .8 LDA Q6L,X READ REGISTER 3670 BPL .8 WAIT FOR FULL BYTE 3680 AND $26 MERGE THE NYBBLES 3690 STA $2C,Y $2C -- CHECK SUM 3700 EOR $27 $2D -- SECTOR 3710 DEY $2E -- TRACK 3720 BPL .6 $2F -- VOLUME 3730 TAY TEST CHECK SUM 3740 BNE ERROR.RETURN 3750 .9 LDA Q6L,X READ REGISTER 3760 BPL .9 WAIT FOR FULL BYTE 3770 CMP #$DE TEST FOR VALID TRAILER 3780 BNE ERROR.RETURN 3790 NOP 3800 .10 LDA Q6L,X READ REGISTER 3810 BPL .10 3820 CMP #$AA 3830 BNE ERROR.RETURN 3840 GOOD.RETURN 3850 CLC 3860 RTS 3870 .PG 3880 *--------------------------------- 3890 * CONVERT 410 5-BIT NYBBLES TO 256 BYTES 3900 * (THEY ARE NOW LEFT-JUSTIFIED IN RWTS.BUFFER) 3910 *--------------------------------- 3920 POST.NYBBLE 3930 LDX #50 51 BYTES PER SECTION 3940 LDY #0 3950 *---BUFFER PART 1, SECTION 1----- 3960 .1 LDA RWTS.BUFFER.2.1,X 3970 LSR 3980 LSR RIGHT-JUSTIFY THE NYBBLE 3990 LSR 4000 STA $27 SAVE BIT 0 4010 LSR 4020 STA $26 SAVE BIT 1 4030 LSR BITS 2-4 4040 ORA RWTS.BUFFER.1.1,X 4050 STA (BUF.PNTR),Y STORE IN BUFFER 4060 *---BUFFER PART 1, SECTION 2----- 4070 INY NEXT BYTE 4080 LDA RWTS.BUFFER.2.2,X 4090 LSR RIGHT-JUSTIFY THE NYBBLE 4100 LSR 4110 LSR 4120 LSR BIT 0 INTO CARRY 4130 ROL $27 AND SAVE HERE 4140 LSR BIT 1 INTO CARRY 4150 ROL $26 AND SAVE HERE 4160 ORA RWTS.BUFFER.1.2,X 4170 STA (BUF.PNTR),Y STORE THE BYTE 4180 *---BUFFER PART 1, SECTION 3----- 4190 INY NEXT BYTE 4200 LDA RWTS.BUFFER.2.3,X 4210 LSR RIGHT-JUSTIFY THE NYBBLE 4220 LSR 4230 LSR 4240 LSR BIT 0 INTO CARRY 4250 ROL $27 AND SAVE HERE 4260 LSR BIT 1 INTO CARRY 4270 ROL $26 AND SAVE HERE 4280 ORA RWTS.BUFFER.1.3,X 4290 STA (BUF.PNTR),Y STORE THE BYTE 4300 *---BUFFER PART1, SECTION 4----- 4310 INY NEXT BYTE 4320 LDA $26 USE THE 3 BITS SAVED HERE 4330 AND #7 MAKE SURE ONLY 3 BITS 4340 ORA RWTS.BUFFER.1.4,X 4350 STA (BUF.PNTR),Y STORE THE BYTE 4360 *---BUFFER PART1, SECTION 5----- 4370 INY NEXT BYTE 4380 LDA $27 USE THE 3 BITS SAVED HERE 4390 AND #7 MAKE SURE ONLY 3 BITS 4400 ORA RWTS.BUFFER.1.5,X 4410 STA (BUF.PNTR),Y STORE THE BYTE 4420 *--------------------------------- 4430 INY NEXT BYTE 4440 DEX 4450 BPL .1 4460 *--------------------------------- 4470 LDA RWTS.BUFFER.2.4 GET THE LAST BYTE 4480 LSR RIGHT JUSTIFY 4490 LSR 4500 LSR 4510 ORA RWTS.BUFFER.1.6 4520 STA (BUF.PNTR),Y STORE THE LAST BYTE 4530 RTS 4540 .PG 4550 *--------------------------------- 4560 * TRACK SEEK 4570 *--------------------------------- 4580 SEEK.TRACK.ABSOLUTE 4590 STX $2B CURRENT SLOT*16 4600 STA $2A SAVE TRACK # 4610 CMP CURRENT.TRACK COMPARE TO CURRENT TRACK 4620 BEQ .9 ALREADY THERE 4630 LDA #0 4640 STA $26 # OF STEPS SO FAR 4650 .1 LDA CURRENT.TRACK CURRENT TRACK NUMBER 4660 STA $27 4670 SEC 4680 SBC $2A DESIRED TRACK 4690 BEQ .6 WE HAVE ARRIVED 4700 BCS .2 CURRENT > DESIRED 4710 EOR #$FF CURRENT < DESIRED 4720 INC CURRENT.TRACK INCREMENT CURRENT 4730 BCC .3 ...ALWAYS 4740 .2 ADC #$FE CARRY SET, SO A=A-1 4750 DEC CURRENT.TRACK DECREMENT CURRENT TRACK 4760 .3 CMP $26 GET MINIMUM OF: 4770 BCC .4 1. # OF TRACKS TO MOVE LESS 1 4780 LDA $26 2. # OF ITERATIONS SO FAR 4790 .4 CMP #12 3. ELEVEN 4800 BCS .5 4810 TAY 4820 .5 SEC TURN PHASE ON 4830 JSR .7 4840 LDA ONTBL,Y GET DELAY TIME 4850 JSR DLY100 DELAY 100*A MICROSECONDS 4860 LDA $27 TRACK NUMBER 4870 CLC TURN PHASE OFF 4880 JSR .8 4890 LDA OFFTBL,Y 4900 JSR DLY100 4910 INC $26 # OF STEPS SO FAR 4920 BNE .1 ...ALWAYS 4930 *--------------------------------- 4940 .6 JSR DLY100 4950 CLC TURN PHASE OFF 4960 .7 LDA CURRENT.TRACK 4970 .8 AND #3 ONLY KEEP LOW-ORDER 2 BITS 4980 ROL (0000 0XX0) 4990 ORA $2B (0SSS 0XX0) MERGE SLOT 5000 TAX USE AS INDEX FOR PHASE-OFF 5010 LDA PHOFF,X PHASE-OFF 5020 LDX $2B 5030 .9 RTS 5040 *--------------------------------- 5050 * SHORT DELAY SUBROUTINE 5060 *--------------------------------- 5070 DLY100 LDX #17 100*A MICROSECONDS 5080 .1 DEX 5090 BNE .1 5100 INC $46 5110 BNE .2 5120 INC $47 5130 .2 SEC 5140 SBC #1 5150 BNE DLY100 5160 RTS 5170 *--------------------------------- 5180 * DELAY TIMES FOR STEPPING MOTOR 5190 *--------------------------------- 5200 ONTBL .HS 01302824201E1D1C1C1C1C1C 5210 OFFTBL .HS 702C26221F1E1D1C1C1C1C1C 5220 .HS 1C1C1C1C 5230 .PG 5240 *--------------------------------- 5250 * BYTE TABLE 5260 *--------------------------------- 5270 BYTE.TABLE .EQ *-$A8 5280 .HS 00000000010810180203040506202830 5290 .HS 070938400A4850580B0C0D0E0F111213 5300 .HS 14151617191A1B1C1D1E212223246068 5310 .HS 2526707827808890292A2B2C2D2E2F31 5320 .HS 323398A034A8B0B8353637393AC0C8D0 5330 .HS 3B3CD8E03EE8F0F8 5340 *--------------------------------- 5350 * 410-BYTE BUFFER FOR NYBBLES 5360 *--------------------------------- 5370 RWTS.BUFFER.1.1 .BS 51 $BB00 - BB32 5380 RWTS.BUFFER.1.2 .BS 51 $BB33 - BB65 5390 RWTS.BUFFER.1.3 .BS 51 $BB66 - BB98 5400 RWTS.BUFFER.1.4 .BS 51 $BB99 - BBCB 5410 RWTS.BUFFER.1.5 .BS 51 $BBCC - BBFE 5420 RWTS.BUFFER.1.6 .BS 1 $BBFF 5430 RWTS.BUFFER.2.1 .BS 51 $BC00 - BC32 5440 RWTS.BUFFER.2.2 .BS 51 $BC33 - BC65 5450 RWTS.BUFFER.2.3 .BS 51 $BC66 -BC98 5460 RWTS.BUFFER.2.4 .BS 1 $BC99 5470 *--------------------------------- 5480 * NYBBLE TABLE 5490 *--------------------------------- 5500 NYBBLE.TABLE 5510 .HS ABADAEAFB5B6B7BABBBDBEBF 5520 .HS D6D7DADBDDDEDFEAEBEDEEEF 5530 .HS F5F6F7FAFBFDFEFF 5540 *--------------------------------- 5550 * $BCBA THRU $BCFF IS NOT USED BY DOS 3.2.1 5560 *--------------------------------- 5570 .PG |