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If your label says "8109", now is the time to renew to be sure of uninterrupted service.
Beneath Apple DOS
In the few weeks since I sent out last month's AAL, with the review of this book, I have sold 85 copies! My apologies if your shipment was delayed a little. Last Friday at 3:30 a shipment of 100 copies arrived; at 5:45 I took about 50 packages to the UPS station. Another 10 went out by mail this morning. A lot of work, but a lot of fun too.
I expect another shipment of 100 copies about the time you get this newsletter, so go ahead and order your copy if you have been waiting.
Using Firmware Card in Slot 4
Are you tired of getting "LANGUAGE NOT AVAILABLE" errors? Do you have a 16K RAM card, and also an old Firmware Card with one of the Basics on it? You can patch DOS to allow the Firmware Card to be put in slot 4, and still keep your RAM card in slot 0 for Pascal or whatever. With DOS loaded, type CALL -151 to get to the monitor; then patch:
*A5B8:C0 *A5C0:C1
Get back into Basic (3D0G), and INIT a disk with the modified DOS. If you have a disk utility program, you can patch the DOS image on an existing disk the same way. (From Michael W. Sanders, Decatur, GA)
It occured to me that, since I have installed a Dan Paymar Lower Case Adapter, there ought to be a better way to generate lower case characters than by RAM-resident software.
The major problem is the F8 ROM. The CAPTST routine at $FD7E will not allow lower case characters to pass; if they get this far, they will be converted to upper case here. I cannot figure a reason for this routine, since the Apple will not generate lower case codes in the first place!
Anyway, there are only two ways I know of to avoid CAPTST: write my own line input subroutine (I want to avoid that!), or burn a new F8 ROM. All I would have to change is one lousy byte, at $FD83, from $DF to $FF. Seems like a waste of time...or is it? Maybe, since I am going to the trouble of burning the ROM, I can add some routines to extend the capabilities of my keyboard to access ALL of the ASCII characters.
That is what I decided to do. But! How do I make it transparent? It should not interfere with or be interfered by any program or language.
Within the monitor routines there are two that are not used; in fact, they were removed when the Autostart ROM came about. These are the 16-bit multiply and divide routines from $FB60 through $FBC0. I can insert my new code there.
I also need two RAM locations for shift lock and case flags. I must find two locations that would probably NOT be used by any other program. There are a number of location in zero page that are not normally used; the bottom of the stack and the top of the input buffer might not be used. Checking that out, however, I have found that most other people have thought of these locations already. Where can I go?
I found two bytes not used by anyone, inside the screen buffer area. They are reserved for the board plugged into slot 6, which in my case is the disk controller. The disk controller does not use locations $077E and $07FE ($0778+slot# and $07F8+slot#). More than likely, nobody would use these locations (at least that is what I am gambling on).
Now that I have room for flags, the next step is to write the routines to fit between $FB60 and $FBC0, and set up calls to them. I have to be careful not to change any other routines. Here is what I want:
When RESET is pressed, or when the Apple is turned on, the 6502 microprocessor executes a JMP indirect using the address at $FFFC and $FFFD. This effectively jumps to $FF59 in the monitor which is the reset routine. The reset routine calls INIT at $FB2F, which in turn ends with a JMP VTAB at $FB5D. If I change that last instruction, it can fall into the area formerly occupied by the multiply routine. How convenient! I'll put the code there to set upper case mode.
Most programs written for use with the Paymar Adapter have their own input routines. The monitor routines are not used. Therefore my changes should have no adverse effect on these programs.
The next thing I had to decide was which control-keys to use for shift, shift-lock, and the three characters not available from the standard Apple keyboard. I didn't want to use the escape key, since it is used by so many other programs. I finally chose these:
One final problem to overcome is passing the cursor over a lower case character. The cursor, in the normal monitor, makes the character under the cursor flash. A lower case character will flash in upper case, so you cannot tell whether it was lower or upper case without moving the cursor. I decided to make lower case characters under the cursor display as inverse upper case, rather than flashing. That way there is no doubt.
Now how do we get the patches into the ROM? First we need to get a copy of the standard ROM code into RAM. Then assemble the patches, and save the patched copy on disk. From inside the S-C Assembler II, type:
:$6800<F800.FFFFM (copy monitor into RAM) :ASM (assemble the patches) :BSAVE F8 EPROM,A$6800,L$800 (save patched monitor)
After the patches had been made, I used ROMWRITER, by Mountain Hardware, to burn a 2716 EPROM. This EPROM was then inserted, with appropriate adaptation, in the F8 socket on my Apple mother board.
If you have a 16K RAM card, you can try the patched monitor without burning a ROM. After the patches have been assembled into the standard copy at $6800, type the following:
:$C081 C081 (write enable RAM card) :$F800<6800.6FFFM (copy new monitor up) :$C080 (turn on RAM version)
After putting the patched monitor into the RAM card, you have to patch the assembler to turn off its own CAPTST, if you want to see the lower case stuff work inside the assembler. Type:
This will make the assembler allow lower case characters to be typed in, but they are only legal in comments.
Some more words of caution. These patches are for the "old" monitor ROM. They will not work in the Autostart ROM. My choice of control-K and control-L may upset some users. Control-K is used as a monitor command equivalent for IN#slot, and control-L is used to generate a form-feed on some printers. I can always go to BASIC for the IN#slot, and my printer has a button for form-feed. I feel that the full upper-lower case ability is much more desirable.
1000 * LOWER CASE F8 ROM.1 1010 *--------------------------------- 1020 * THESE PATCHES ARE FOR THE "OLD" F8 ROM. THEY 1030 * WILL NOT WORK INTO THE AUTOSTART ROM MONITOR 1040 * ROUTINES. 1050 * 1060 * OPERATION: $6800<F800.FFFFM 1070 * ASM (ASSEMBLE THIS CODE) 1080 * BSAVE F8 EPROM,A$6800,L$0800 1090 *--------------------------------- 1100 CTRLK .EQ $8B LEFT BRACKET OR BRACE 1110 CTRLL .EQ $8C BACKSLASH OR VERTICAL BAR 1120 CTRLO .EQ $8F UNDERLINE OR RUBOUT 1130 CTRLZ .EQ $9A SHIFT OR SHIFT LOCK 1140 CASE .EQ $77E FOR DOS IN SLOT 6 1150 LCKFLG .EQ $7FE FOR DOS IN SLOT 6 1160 KYSTRB .EQ $C010 1170 VTAB .EQ $FC22 1180 RDKEY .EQ $FD0C 1190 *--------------------------------- 1200 PATCH1 .OR $FB5D 1210 .TA $6B5D 1220 * 1230 SETCAS LDY #0 PART OF RESET ROUTINE TO INIT 1240 STY CASE UPPER CASE MODE 1250 INY 1260 STY LCKFLG 1270 JMP VTAB 1280 *--------------------------------- 1290 PATCH2 .OR $FD2B 1300 .TA $6D2B 1310 * 1320 JMP LCADAP FROM KEYIN ROUTINE TO LOWER 1330 NOP CASE "ADAPTER" 1340 *--------------------------------- 1350 PATCH3 .OR $FD82 1360 .TA $6D82 1370 * 1380 AND #$FF ALLOW LOWER CASE TO PASS 1390 *--------------------------------- 1400 PATCH4 .OR $FD11 1410 .TA $6D11 1420 * 1430 JSR FORM DISPLAY CHARACTERS UNDER THE 1440 NOP CURSOR CORRECTLY 1450 *--------------------------------- 1460 * THE CTRL-Z KEY IS USED LIKE THE SHIFT KEY ON A 1470 * TYPEWRITER: ONE CTRL-Z WILL ENTER ONE UPPER 1480 * CASE CHARACTER AND THEN RETURN TO LOWER CASE. 1490 * 1500 * TWO CTRL-Z'S IN SUCCESSION WILL PERFORM A 1510 * "SHIFT-LOCK". IF THE MODE WAS LOWER CASE, 1520 * TWO CTRL-Z'S WILL LOCK IN UPPER CASE; IF THE 1530 * MODE WAS UPPER CASE, TWO CTRL-Z'S WILL LOCK 1540 * IN LOWER CASE. 1550 *--------------------------------- 1560 PATCH5 .OR $FB69 1570 .TA $6B69 1580 * 1590 LCADAP BIT KYSTRB CLEAR KEYBOARD 1600 CMP #CTRLZ SEE IF "SHIFT" 1610 BNE .4 NO, TRY OTHER TESTS 1620 LDA LCKFLG 1630 EOR #$80 FLIP BIT 7 (CTRLZ FLAG) 1640 BMI .1 NEGATIVE IF FIRST CTRL-Z 1650 EOR #$01 FLIP BIT 0 (LOCK FLAG) 1660 .1 STA LCKFLG 1670 BEQ .2 ...IF LOCK FLAG IS CLEAR 1680 LDA #0 SET UPPER CASE 1690 BEQ .3 ...ALWAYS 1700 .2 LDA #$20 SET LOWER CASE 1710 .3 STA CASE 1720 JMP RDKEY 1730 .4 CMP #CTRLK 1740 BEQ .5 1750 CMP #CTRLL 1760 BEQ .5 1770 CMP #CTRLO 1780 BNE .6 1790 .5 ORA #$50 CONVERT TO SPECIAL CHARS 1800 .6 CMP #$C0 MERGE CASE IF ALPHA 1810 BCC .7 NOT ALPHA 1820 ORA CASE 1830 .7 PHA SAVE MODIFIED CHAR 1840 LDA LCKFLG 1850 BPL .8 ...IF Z-FLAG CLEAR 1860 LDA #0 CLEAR Z AND LOCK FLAGS 1870 STA LCKFLG 1880 .8 BNE .9 ...IF LOCK FLAG IS SET 1890 LDA #$20 SET LOWER CASE 1900 STA CASE 1910 .9 PLA RETRIEVE MODIFIED CHAR 1920 RTS 1930 BRK 1940 BRK 1950 *--------------------------------- 1960 * CURSOR DISPLAY FOR EDITING 1970 * 1980 FORM CMP #$E0 IS IT LOWER CASE? 1990 BCS .1 YES, SO BRANCH 2000 AND #$3F ALL CHARACTERS (EXCEPT LOWER 2010 ORA #$40 CASE) ARE FLASHED 2020 RTS 2030 .1 EOR #$E0 MAKE LOWER CASE INTO 2040 RTS INVERSE UPPER CASE 2050 *--------------------------------- 2055 * WRITTEN: NOVEMBER 1, 1980 2060 * REVISED: JUNE 25, 1981 2070 * AUTHOR: BOB MATZINGER 2080 * P. O. BOX 13446 2090 * ARLINGTON, TX 76013 2100 * (817) 265-8122 2110 *--------------------------------- |
Last month I alluded to my trouble in getting a screen printing subroutine to work with the Apple Parallel Interface. I finally got it going, and now it doesn't look hard at all.
The program is set up to be loaded and started with a BRUN command. This doesn't start any printing, however. The initial code just puts a hook address into location $38 and $39, and passes them to DOS. Henceforth, all character-input calls will have to go through my routine at lines 1260-1320.
The SCRN.PRNT subroutine looks at each input character to see if it is a control-P (ascii code = $90). If not, the character is passed on to whatever program tried to read a character. If it is a control-P, the current contents of the screen are printed.
(My printer is in slot 1; if you are using a different slot, change lines 1110 and 1120.)
The actual printing subroutine is really straightforward. It consists of four parts: 1) save current registers and cursor position; 2) initialize Apple Parallel Interface temporaries; 3) print each line of the screen on the printer; and 4) restore the cursor position and registers.
Lines 1350-1410 save the A-, X-, and Y-registers on the stack, followed by the cursor horizontal position. I pushed them on the stack rather than allocate temporaries, but either way will work. Using the stack saves a few bytes of code and 4 bytes of temporary memory, but it takes a few more cycles if you are worried about speed.
Lines 1420-1490 initialize the temporaries used by the code in Apple's Parallel Interface ROM. These temporaries are actually inside the screen buffer memory (between $0400 and $07FF), but they are in bytes that do not get displayed. (There are 64 bytes in the screen buffer that do not get displayed, and which are used by interface cards for temporary memory. These are $478-47F, $4F8-4FF, $578-57F, $5F8-5FF, $678-67F, $6F8-6FF, $778-77F, and $7F8-7FF.) For more information on how the Parallel Interface uses these temporaries, see your manual.
Lines 1500-1670 actually print the screen contents. The X-register is used as a line counter, and runs from 0 to 23. See lines 1500, 1510, and 1650-1670. This is quite analogous to a BASIC statement like FOR I=0 TO 23.
Inside the X-loop, line 1520 computes a new base address for the current line. Then the Y-register is used as a column counter. Lines 1530 and 1600-1620 control the Y-loop. Inside the Y-loop, each character of the line is picked up in turn. Lines 1550-1580 convert inverse or flashing characters to normal ASCII codes for printing. Line 1590 calls on the Parallel Interface program to print one character. (The entry at $Cx02 assumes all temporaries are already set up.) At the end of each line, lines 1630 and 1640 send a carriage return to the printer.
Lines 1680-1700 restore the cursor position and base address pointer, and lines 1710-1750 restore the 6502 registers.
I wrote this program, lines 1340-1760, as a subroutine even though it could have been in-line. I did it so that you can call it directly from your Applesoft or Integer BASIC program, with a "CALL 793". This feature makes the very-valuable screen printer even more useful.
1000 *--------------------------------- 1010 * SCREEN PRINTER 1020 *--------------------------------- 1030 MON.CH .EQ $24 1040 MON.BASL .EQ $28,29 1050 MON.BASCAL .EQ $FBC1 1060 MON.VTAB .EQ $FC22 1070 MON.RDKEY .EQ $FD0C 1080 MON.KEYIN .EQ $FD1B 1090 DOS.REHOOK .EQ $3EA 1100 *--------------------------------- 1110 SLOT .EQ 1 1120 PRINT .EQ $C102 $C002+SLOT*256 1130 MSTRT .EQ $5F8+SLOT 1140 MODE .EQ $678+SLOT 1150 ESCHAR .EQ $6F8+SLOT 1160 FLAGS .EQ $778+SLOT 1170 *--------------------------------- 1180 .OR $300 1190 *--------------------------------- 1200 LDA #SCRN.PRNT 1210 STA $38 1220 LDA /SCRN.PRNT 1230 STA $39 1240 JMP DOS.REHOOK 1250 *--------------------------------- 1260 SCRN.PRNT 1270 JSR MON.KEYIN GET CHAR 1280 CMP #$90 CONTROL-P? 1290 BNE .1 1300 JSR SCREEN.PRINTER 1310 JMP MON.RDKEY 1320 .1 RTS 1330 *--------------------------------- 1340 SCREEN.PRINTER 1350 PHA SAVE REGS 1360 TXA 1370 PHA 1380 TYA 1390 PHA 1400 LDA MON.CH SAVE CH 1410 PHA 1420 LDA #40 SET UP APPLE CONTROLLER ROM 1430 STA MSTRT TEMPORARIES 1440 LDA #0 1450 STA MODE 1460 LDA #$89 1470 STA ESCHAR 1480 LDA #1 1490 STA FLAGS 1500 LDX #0 START AT LINE 0 1510 .1 TXA 1520 JSR MON.BASCAL COMPUTE BASE POINTER FOR LINE 1530 LDY #0 START AT CHAR 0 1540 .2 LDA (MON.BASL),Y 1550 .3 CMP #$A0 MAP FLASH AND INVERSE TO NORMAL 1560 BCS .4 1570 ADC #$40 1580 BNE .3 ...ALWAYS 1590 .4 JSR PRINT 1600 INY NEXT CHARACTER 1610 CPY #40 END OF LINE? 1620 BCC .2 NO 1630 LDA #$8D YES, PRINT CARRIAGE RETURN 1640 JSR PRINT 1650 INX NEXT LINE 1660 CPX #24 END OF SCREEN 1670 BCC .1 NO 1680 PLA YES, RESTORE CH 1690 STA MON.CH 1700 JSR MON.VTAB RESTORE BASE POINTER 1710 PLA RESTORE REGS 1720 TAY 1730 PLA 1740 TAX 1750 PLA 1760 RTS |
Here's a very short (14 byte) program which you might find useful. As you know, DOS writes the page 3 vectors (between $3D0 and $3FF) as the last step in the bootstrap process. This is done by copying a portion of DOS onto this area. The image remains in memory and can be used to rewrite the vectors if they are clobbered.
If you have a 48K Apple, the routine which copies the vector data starts at $9E25. My program temporarily patches DOS to isolate the vector-copier, by storing an RTS opcode at the end of the loop ($9E30). After calling the loop, the original value of $9E30 is restored.
I put the subroutine at $BCD0 inside DOS, abecause this area is not used by DOS. It can be placed on all slave diskettes you INIT after patching DOS. With this subroutine installed, you can use all of page 3 for your assembly language program. Once your program is finished, you can JMP $BCD0 to restore $3D0-$3FF to its normal state.
Here is the program, written to assemble into $0CD0-0CDD. After assembly is complete, you can move it into DOS with the monitor command
:$BCD0<CD0.CDDM (if issued from inside S-C Assembler II or *BCD0<CD0.CDD (if you do it from the monitor.
1000 *--------------------------------- 1010 * RESTORE PAGE 3 VECTORS 1020 * ---------------------- 1030 * 1040 * PRESTON R. BLACK, M.D. 1050 * 12 JUNE 1981 1060 *--------------------------------- 1070 .OR $BCD0 1080 .TA $0CD0 1090 *--------------------------------- 1100 RESTORE.PAGE.3.VECTORS 1110 LDA #$60 RTS OPCODE 1120 STA $9E30 1130 JSR $9E25 1140 LDA #$AD ORIGINAL DATA 1150 STA $9E30 1160 RTS |
On second thought, 12 bytes is enough. Rather than patching the DOS code to make a subroutine, I can just put a program up at $BCD0 which looks like the code at $9E25. Here is the shorter version:
1000 *--------------------------------- 1010 * RESTORE PAGE 3 VECTORS 1020 * ---------------------- 1030 * 1040 * PRESTON R. BLACK, M.D. 1050 * 29 JUNE 1981 1060 *--------------------------------- 1070 .OR $BCD0 1080 .TA $0CD0 1090 *--------------------------------- 1100 RESTORE.PAGE.3.VECTORS 1110 LDX #$3FF-$3D0 # BYTES TO BE COPIED 1120 .1 LDA $9E51,X ADDRESS OF VECTORS INSIDE DOS 1130 STA $3D0,X VECTOR AREA 1140 DEX 1150 BPL .1 1160 RTS |
The Variable Cross Reference program I printed in issue #2 (November, 1980) had at least three bugs. One of them was reported a long time ago, but I had no idea what the cause was until today. The other two were never reported by anyone, but I discovered their presence and cause today. Eventful day!
Bug #1: After using the VCR program, the first line number LISTed by a subsequent LIST command printed out with all sorts of extra fractional digits. Strange! I finally tracked it down to a page zero location which VCR used. Location $A4 is left with a non-zero value, but Applesoft expects and requires it to be zero. If it is not zero, the floating point multiply subroutine gives wrong answers. The multiplication failure ruins the first number printed after running VCR.
Solution to Bug #1: Add the following two lines to the VCR program.
1452 LDA #0 CLEAR $A4 FOR APPLESOFT 1454 STA $A4 |
Bug #2: The logic for terminating the main program loop (lines 1400-1460) was wrong, and resulted in sometimes adding a phony variable.
Solution to Bug #2: Delete line 1810, and change or add the following lines.
Bug #3: If your program contained a PRINT statement with a quoted string not separated from a variable by a semi-colon or comma, the GET.NEXT.VARIABLE subroutine would invent new variable names from inside the quoted string! For example, the line PRINT D$"OPEN FILE" would add variables OP (for OPEN) and FI (for FILE).
Solution to Bug #3: Change or add the following lines.
If you have typed in the VCR program, or bought the Quarterly Disk #1 which contained the source, you should now go back and fix these three bugs. (All the line numbers above fit in with the program as printed last November.) Copies of the Quarterly Disk #1 with a serial number of 44 or higher already have been fixed.
The Motive:
"Not that it was that good, mind you! But we needed something, and they should not have yanked it out without providing some other way to debug machine language programs."
When Apple converted over to the Autostart ROM, they not only removed the hardly-ever-used 16-bit multiply and divide subroutines. They also stripped the S and T commands, which left assembly language programmers naked. How can you possibly debug complicated 6502 code without at least a single step capability?
Several programs are now on the market, in the $50 price range, which give you step, trace, breakpoints, stack display, et cetera. "John's Debugger", from John Broderick & Associates, 8635 Shagrock, Dallas, TX 75238 is one. Someone called me from Augusta, GA, yesterday to tell me about a similar package he has written and wants to market (I'll be reviewing this one; it may become an S-C SOFTWARE product). I saw another ad this month somewhere, but I cannot find it now.
But I wanted to do something special this month for the Assembly Line, so here is a limited STEP-TRACE!
The Manner:
It is set up as a BRUNnable file, to load at $0800. If you want to load it somewhere else, you can put in an origin directive (.OR). The code executed when you BRUN the file (lines 1390-1460) merely installs the "control-Y vector". This enables the control-Y monitor command, which is a user-definable command.
Once the control-Y vector is loaded, you have two new commands. If you type a memory address and a control-Y (and a carriage return), the instruction at that memory address will be disassembled and displayed on line 23. The flashing cursor will be positioned at the end of the disassembled instruction. Just above the cursor, on line 22, you will see the current register contents. Line 24 is an inverse mode line which labels the registers, and reminds you of the options you have.
At this point you can type one of the five register names (A, X, Y, S, or P), or a space, or a carriage return. If you type a carriage return, the trace is aborted and you are returned to the assembler. If you type a space, the disassembled instruction will be exectuted. The new register contents will be displayed, the screen will scroll up, and the next instruction will be disassembled on line 23. If you type a register name, the cursor will be moved under that register. You can type in a new value for the register, and then hit a space for the next register or a return to get ready to execute again.
If you want to step through a little faster, hold down the space bar and the repeat key.
Once you have terminated the trace (by typing a carriage return), you can restart where you stopped by typing a control-Y and a carriage return. Since there is no address given, STEP-TRACE will begin where you stopped the last time. You can stop the trace, do some monitor commands, and then start tracing again.
Two warnings: I wrote STEP-TRACE to be used from inside the S-C ASSEMBLER II. That means all monitor commands, including the control-Y, need to be preceded by a dollar sign ($). If you want to use STEP-TRACE directly from the monitor, and not return inside the assembler after stopping, you need to change line 3500. It now says JMP $3D0, which restarts DOS and the assembler. Change it to JMP $FF69, which restarts the monitor. Line 3470 requires the .DA modification published in the December 1980 issue of AAL. If you haven't installed that yet, then rewrite line 3470 as five separate lines; if you don't, it will assemble without error but it will be WRONG!
The Method:
Now let's look through the listing, and see how it works. When the monitor decodes the control-Y command, the address you typed (if any) is loaded into $3C,3D in page zero. Then the monitor branches to $3F8, where we have already loaded a JMP STEP.TRACE instruction. We step into the action at line 1510.
Lines 1520-1570: the X-register is zero if no address was typed. In this case, we skip around the code to copy the address into MON.PC. If there was an address, copy it into MON.PC.
Lines 1580-1630: Set the stack pointer to $FF, giving the whole stack to the program under test. Move the cursor to the bottom of the screen and print a carriage return.
Lines 1650-1680: Call on subroutines to display the current register values (from the SAVE.AREA at line 4350-4400), disassemble the instruction pointed to by MON.PC, and wait on you to type something on the keyboard. This last subroutine does not return unless you type a space, indicating you want to execute the disassembled instruction.
Lines 1690-1860: Clear the XQT.AREA to NOP instructions. Get the stack pointer from the SAVE.AREA. Pick up the opcode byte, and see if it is one we have to interpret rather than execute (BRK, JSR, RTI, JMP, RTS, or JMP indirect). If so, jump to the appropriate code for each opcode.
Lines 1870-2010: Get the instruction length (less one) in Y, so we can copy the instruction into XQT.AREA. See if the opcode is one of the relative branches; if so, change the displacement to $04, so that we can execute it inside XQT.AREA. Copy the instruction bytes into XQT.AREA. Restore the registers from the SAVE.AREA, restoring status (P-register last of all.
Lines 2030-2160: Execute the instruction. Unless it is a relative branch instruction which branches, jump to did.not.branch. Relative branches which branch go to line 2100, where the effective address is computed and stored in MON.PC.
Lines 2180-2190: A BRK instruction displays the registers and returns to the assembler (aborts STEP-TRACE).
Lines 2210-2250: The RTI instruction checks the stack pointer; if there are not three bytes left on the stack, STEP-TRACE is aborted. If there are three left, the next byte is pulled off the stack and stored in the SAVE.AREA for the P-register. The rest of the RTI instruction is the same as an RTS istruction.
Lines 2260-2350: The RTS instruction checks the stack pointer; if there are not two bytes left on the stacke, STEP-TRACE is aborted. If there are two left, they are pulled off and stored in MON.PC.
Lines 2370-2470: The JSR instruction picks up the current MON.PC, adds two, and pushes the result on the stack. The new stack ponter value is saved in SAVE.AREA. Then a JMP instruction is simulated.
Lines 2480-2490: Simulate a JMP instruction by copying the address into MON.PC.
Lines 2500-2530: Simulate a JMP indirect instruction. Copy the address contained in the two bytes pointed to by the instruction address into MON.PC.
Lines 2550-2640: After a normal executed instruction, save all the registers in SAVE.AREA. Be sure the processor is in binary mode (not decimal).
Lines 2650-2690: Add the instruction length to MON.PC, and go back to get the next instruction.
Lines 2710-2800: Using the current MON.PC as a pointer, pick up the two bytes pointed to and put them into MON.PC. This is used by the JSR, JMP, and JMP indirect processors.
Lines 2820-2930: Set cursor position to line 23, column 27, and wait for you to type a key. If you type a carriage return, abort STEP-TRACE. If you type a space, return to whoever called WAIT.ON.KEYBOARD.
Lines 2940-2990: See if you typed a register name (letter A, X, Y, S, or P). If not, go back and wait till you type something else. If so, go on to line 3000.
Lines 3000-3100: Set inverse mode, position the cursor to the selected register column, and display the current contents of that register in inverse mode. Switch back to normal mode.
Lines 3110-3340: Wait again for you type a character on the keyboard. If you type a hexadecimal digit, shift the current register contents one digit position to the left, and add in the digit you just typed. (You can type as many digits as you want to; the last two you type will be the new contents.) If you type a space or a carriage return, branch to line 3350 or 3400.
Lines 3350-3390: You typed a space, so move over to the next register. If you just modified the S-register, move back to the A-register.
Lines 3400-3440: You typed a carriage return, so scroll up the screen and go back to the top of WAIT.ON.KEYBOARD.
Lines 3450-3470: REG.NAMES defines the register names. REG.INDEX is an index into REG.NAMES and REG.CH. REG.CH is a list of column positions for each of the registers. (If you have not installed the .DA modification from AAL Volume 1, Issue 3, you need to spread the data values out on five separate lines.)
Lines 3490-3500: Clear from the cursor to the end of screen, and return through DOS to the assembler. Change line 3500 if you want to go somewhere else after leaving the STEP-TRACE.
Lines 3540-3590: Adds the contents of the A-register to MON.PC.
Lines 3630-3740: Displays the register contents from SAVE.AREA.
Lines 3810-3840: Prints MON.PC and a dash. This is called by the disassembly subroutine.
Lines 3880-4330: Disassembles the instruction starting at MON.PC. This code is very similar to code in the Apple monitor ROM at $F882. It is modified slightly to change the spacing, so that there will be room for the register display on the same line.
Lines 4440-4480: A test program for you to try STEPping through. Another neat program to trace is at $FCA8 in the monitor (a delay loop).
1000 *--------------------------------- 1010 * STEP-TRACE UTILITY 1020 *--------------------------------- 1030 MON.WNDBTM .EQ $23 1040 MON.CH .EQ $24 1050 MON.CV .EQ $25 1060 LMNEM .EQ $2C 1070 RMNEM .EQ $2D 1080 MON.FORMAT .EQ $2E 1090 MON.LENGTH .EQ $2F 1100 MON.PC .EQ $3A,3B 1110 MON.A1 .EQ $3C,3D 1120 MON.A2 .EQ $3E,3F 1130 *--------------------------------- 1140 DOS.REENTRY .EQ $3D0 1150 Y.VECTOR .EQ $3F8 1160 BASE.LINE24 .EQ $7D0 1170 MON.INSDS2 .EQ $F88E 1180 MON.INSTDSP .EQ $F8D0 1190 MON.PRADDR .EQ $F90C 1200 MON.PRBLNK .EQ $F948 1210 MON.PRBL2 .EQ $F94A 1220 MNEML .EQ $F9C0 1230 MNEMH .EQ $FA00 1240 MON.VTAB .EQ $FC22 1250 MON.CLREOP .EQ $FC42 1260 MON.SCROLL .EQ $FC70 1270 MON.CLREOL .EQ $FC9C 1280 MON.RDKEY .EQ $FD0C 1290 MON.CROUT .EQ $FD8E 1300 MON.PRYX3 .EQ $FD99 1310 MON.PRBYTE .EQ $FDDA 1320 MON.COUT .EQ $FDED 1330 MON.SETINV .EQ $FE80 1340 MON.SETNORM .EQ $FE84 1350 *--------------------------------- 1360 KEYBOARD .EQ $C000 1370 STROBE .EQ $C010 1380 *--------------------------------- 1390 STEP.TRACE.SETUP 1400 LDA #$4C 'JMP' OPCODE 1410 STA Y.VECTOR 1420 LDA #STEP.TRACE 1430 STA Y.VECTOR+1 1440 LDA /STEP.TRACE 1450 STA Y.VECTOR+2 1451 LDA #0 CLEAR USER STATUS REGISTER 1452 STA SAVE.P 1460 RTS 1470 *--------------------------------- 1480 * (Y) SINGLE STEP AT CURRENT PC 1490 * ADR(Y) SINGLE STEP AT ADR 1500 *--------------------------------- 1510 STEP.TRACE 1520 TXA X=0 IF NO ADDRESSES 1530 BEQ .1 NO ADDRESSES 1540 LDA MON.A1 ONE OR TWO ADDRESSES 1550 STA MON.PC 1560 LDA MON.A1+1 1570 STA MON.PC+1 1580 .1 LDX #$FF USER GETS WHOLE STACK 1590 TXS 1600 STX SAVE.S 1610 LDA #23 1620 STA MON.CV 1630 JSR MON.CROUT 1640 *--------------------------------- 1650 TRACE.LOOP 1660 JSR DISPLAY.REGISTERS 1670 JSR DISASSEMBLE ONE INSTRUCTION 1680 JSR WAIT.ON.KEYBOARD 1690 LDA #$EA 'NOP' OPCODE 1700 STA XQT.AREA+1 1710 STA XQT.AREA+2 1720 LDX SAVE.S 1730 TXS 1740 LDY #0 1750 LDA (MON.PC),Y GET USER OPCODE 1760 BEQ X.BRK 'BRK' OPCODE 1770 CMP #$20 'JSR' OPCODE 1780 BEQ X.JSR 1790 CMP #$40 'RTI' OPCODE 1800 BEQ X.RTI 1810 CMP #$4C 'JMP' OPCODE 1820 BEQ X.JMP 1830 CMP #$60 'RTS' OPCODE 1840 BEQ X.RTS 1850 CMP #$6C 'JMP ()' OPCODE 1860 BEQ X.JMPI 1870 LDY MON.LENGTH # BYTES IN INSTRUCTION 1880 AND #$1F IF RELATIVE BRANCH, CHANGE 1890 EOR #$14 DISPLACEMENT TO $04 1900 CMP #$04 FOR XQT AREA 1910 BEQ .2 1920 .1 LDA (MON.PC),Y COPY INSTRUCTION INTO XQT AREA 1930 .2 STA XQT.AREA,Y 1940 DEY 1950 BPL .1 1960 LDA SAVE.P RESTORE ALL REGISTERS 1970 PHA 1980 LDA SAVE.A 1990 LDX SAVE.X 2000 LDY SAVE.Y 2010 PLP 2020 *--------------------------------- 2030 XQT.AREA 2040 NOP USER'S OPCODE GOES HERE 2050 NOP 2060 NOP 2070 JMP DID.NOT.BRANCH 2080 *--------------------------------- 2090 * RELATIVE BRANCHES THAT DO BRANCH COME HERE 2091 CLD 2100 CLC 2110 LDY #1 GET ORIGINAL DISPLACEMENT 2120 LDA (MON.PC),Y 2130 BPL .1 POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT 2140 DEC MON.PC+1 DECREMENT HI-BYTE IF NEGATIVE 2150 .1 JSR ADD.A.TO.PC 2160 JMP UPDATE.PC 2170 *--------------------------------- 2180 X.BRK JSR DISPLAY.REGISTERS 2190 RTRN.JMP JMP RETURN 2200 *--------------------------------- 2210 X.RTI TSX 2220 CPX #$FD 2230 BCS RTRN.JMP 2240 PLA SIMULATE RTI BY GETTING 2250 STA SAVE.P STATUS FROM STACK 2260 X.RTS TSX 2270 CPX #$FE 2280 BCS RTRN.JMP 2290 PLA SIMULATE RTS BY GETTING 2300 STA MON.PC PC FROM STACK 2310 PLA 2320 STA MON.PC+1 2330 TSX 2340 STX SAVE.S 2350 JMP UPDATE.PC 2360 *--------------------------------- 2370 X.JSR CLC UPDATE PC AND PUSH ON STACK 2380 LDA MON.PC 2390 ADC #2 2400 TAY SAVE LO-BYTE FOR NOW 2410 LDA MON.PC+1 2420 ADC #0 2430 PHA PUSH HI-BYTE 2440 TYA 2450 PHA PUSH LO-BYTE 2460 TSX 2470 STX SAVE.S 2480 X.JMP JSR GET.NEW.PC 2490 JMP TRACE.LOOP 2500 X.JMPI JSR GET.NEW.PC 2510 LDY #0 2520 JSR GET.NEW.PC.0 2530 JMP TRACE.LOOP 2540 *--------------------------------- 2550 DID.NOT.BRANCH 2560 STA SAVE.A SAVE ALL REGISTERS 2570 STX SAVE.X 2580 STY SAVE.Y 2590 PHP 2600 PLA 2610 STA SAVE.P 2620 TSX 2630 STX SAVE.S 2640 CLD 2650 UPDATE.PC 2660 SEC 0=1, 1=2, 2=3 2670 LDA MON.LENGTH 2680 JSR ADD.A.TO.PC 2690 JMP TRACE.LOOP 2700 *--------------------------------- 2710 GET.NEW.PC 2720 LDY #1 GET NEW PC FROM INSTRUCTION 2730 GET.NEW.PC.0 2740 LDA (MON.PC),Y 2750 TAX SAVE LO-BYTE FOR NOW 2760 INY 2770 LDA (MON.PC),Y 2780 STA MON.PC+1 NEW HI-BYTE 2790 STX MON.PC NEW LO-BYTE 2800 RTS 2810 *--------------------------------- 2820 WAIT.ON.KEYBOARD 2830 LDA #22 LINE 23 2840 STA MON.CV 2850 LDA #26 COLUMN 27 2860 STA MON.CH 2870 JSR MON.VTAB 2880 JSR MON.RDKEY 2890 CMP #$8D 2900 BEQ RETURN 2910 CMP #$A0 2920 BNE .1 REGISTER NAME 2930 RTS 2940 .1 LDY #4 2950 .2 CMP REG.NAMES,Y 2960 BEQ .3 2970 DEY 2980 BPL .2 2990 BMI WAIT.ON.KEYBOARD 3000 .3 STY REG.INDEX 3010 .4 JSR MON.SETINV 3020 LDA #22 3030 STA MON.CV 3040 JSR MON.VTAB 3050 LDY REG.INDEX 3060 LDA REG.CH,Y 3070 STA MON.CH 3080 LDA SAVE.AREA,Y 3090 JSR MON.PRBYTE 3100 JSR MON.SETNORM 3110 .5 LDA KEYBOARD 3120 BPL .5 3130 STA STROBE 3140 CMP #$A0 BLANK? 3150 BEQ .8 YES 3160 CMP #$8D RETURN? 3170 BEQ .9 YES 3180 EOR #$B0 3190 CMP #10 3200 BCC .6 DIGIT 3210 ADC #$88 3220 CMP #$FA 3230 BCC .5 NOT DIGIT, SO IGNORE 3240 .6 LDY #3 3250 ASL 3260 ASL 3270 ASL 3280 ASL 3290 LDX REG.INDEX 3300 .7 ASL 3310 ROL SAVE.AREA,X 3320 DEY 3330 BPL .7 3340 BMI .4 ...ALWAYS 3350 .8 LDY REG.INDEX 3360 DEY 3370 BPL .3 3380 LDY #4 3390 BNE .3 ...ALWAYS 3400 .9 LDA #23 3410 STA MON.WNDBTM 3420 JSR MON.SCROLL 3430 INC MON.WNDBTM 3440 JMP WAIT.ON.KEYBOARD 3450 REG.NAMES .AS -/SPYXA/ 3460 REG.INDEX .BS 1 3470 REG.CH .DA #38,#35,#32,#29,#26 3480 *--------------------------------- 3490 RETURN JSR MON.CLREOP 3500 JMP DOS.REENTRY 3510 *--------------------------------- 3520 * ADD (A) TO MON.PC 3530 *--------------------------------- 3540 ADD.A.TO.PC 3550 ADC MON.PC 3560 STA MON.PC 3570 BCC .1 3580 INC MON.PC+1 3590 .1 RTS 3600 *--------------------------------- 3610 * DISPLAY REGISTERS 3620 *--------------------------------- 3630 DISPLAY.REGISTERS 3640 LDA #26 3650 STA MON.CH 3660 LDX #4 3670 BNE .2 3680 .1 LDA #$A0 3690 JSR MON.COUT 3700 .2 LDA SAVE.AREA,X 3710 JSR MON.PRBYTE 3720 DEX 3730 BPL .1 3740 RTS 3750 *--------------------------------- 3760 BOTTOM.LINE .AS / <SPC>=NEXT <RET>=QUIT A X Y P S / 3770 .HS 00 3780 *--------------------------------- 3790 * PRINT PC AND DASH 3800 *--------------------------------- 3810 PRINT.PC 3820 LDX MON.PC 3830 LDY MON.PC+1 3840 JMP MON.PRYX3 3850 *--------------------------------- 3860 * DISASSEMBLE NEXT OPCODE 3870 *--------------------------------- 3880 DISASSEMBLE 3890 JSR PRINT.PC 3900 LDY #0 3910 LDA (MON.PC),Y GET OPCODE 3920 JSR MON.INSDS2 3930 PHA SAVE MNEMONIC TABLE INDEX 3940 .1 LDA (MON.PC),Y 3950 JSR MON.PRBYTE 3960 LDX #1 PRINT ONE BLANK 3970 .2 JSR MON.PRBL2 3980 CPY MON.LENGTH 3990 INY 4000 BCC .1 4010 LDX #3 4020 CPY #3 4030 BCC .2 4040 PLA GET MNEMONIC TABLE INDEX 4050 TAY 4060 LDA MNEML,Y 4070 STA LMNEM 4080 LDA MNEMH,Y 4090 STA RMNEM 4100 .3 LDA #0 4110 LDY #5 4120 .4 ASL RMNEM SHIFT 5 BITS OF CHARACTER INTO A 4130 ROL LMNEM 4140 ROL 4150 DEY 4160 BNE .4 4170 ADC #$BF 4180 JSR MON.COUT 4190 DEX 4200 BNE .3 4210 LDA #$A0 PRINT BLANK 4220 JSR MON.COUT 4230 JSR MON.PRADDR 4240 JSR MON.CLREOL 4250 JSR MON.CROUT 4260 LDY #39 4270 .5 LDA BOTTOM.LINE,Y 4280 AND #$3F 4290 STA BASE.LINE24,Y 4300 DEY 4310 BPL .5 4320 DEC MON.CV 4330 RTS 4340 *--------------------------------- 4350 SAVE.AREA 4360 SAVE.S .BS 1 4370 SAVE.P .BS 1 4380 SAVE.Y .BS 1 4390 SAVE.X .BS 1 4400 SAVE.A .BS 1 4410 *--------------------------------- 4420 * TEST PROGRAM 4430 *--------------------------------- 4440 TEST JSR TEST1 4450 BRK 4460 TEST1 JSR TEST2 4470 TEST2 JSR TEST3 4480 TEST3 RTS |