In This Issue...
Advertising in AAL
Due to the increased costs of printing more than 1600 copies per month, and with the desire to limit the percentage of advertising pages to less than 30% each month, I have decided to raise the page rate again.
For the July 1982 issue the price will be $50 for a full page, $30 for a half page. So-called "classified" ads, of up to forty words, will be $5.
About "The Other Epson Reference Manual"
I have received a number of complaints from readers that Cut the Bull software Co. doesn't cut the mustard. Their $5 checks have been cashed, but after many weeks they still have not received the booklet they ordered. I have no phone number for either the company or the owner, and apparently neither does Information. I know the booklet exists, because I have one. I believe the company plans to fill all the orders, but procrastination has taken over. (They sent me a copy of another booklet, which I don't plan to review.) Until they see fit to fill their back-orders, and to publish a phone number, I don't recommend ordering their booklet.
If you have the Autostart ROM, you can control what happens when a BRK instruction is executed. If you do nothing, a BRK will cause entry into the Apple Monitor, and the register contents will be displayed. But (if you have the Autostart Monitor) by a small amount of programming you can make the BRK do marvelous things.
Like simulate neat instructions from the 6809, which are not in the 6502, for example. I am thinking particularly of the LEAX instruction, which loads the effective address into a 16-bit register; of BSR, which enters a subroutine like JSR, but with a relative address; and of BRA, which is a relatively addressed JMP. With these three instructions you can write position-independent programs (programs that execute properly without any modification regardless of where they are loaded in memory).
I am thinking of these because of an article by A. Sato in "Lab Letters" (a publication of ESD Laboratories in Tokyo, JAPAN) Volume 6 No. 1, pages 91-93. It is all written in Japanese (see example below), but I think I deciphered what he is saying.
When a BRK instruction is executed, the program is interrupted as though a Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) occurred. The B bit in the status register is set, so the Apple can tell that the interrupt was caused by BRK rather than some external event. After making this determination, the Autostart Monitor performs a "JMP ($3F0)" instruction. This means that you can get control by placing the address of your own program into $3F0 and $3F1. The monitor initialization process puts the address $FA59 there.
By the time the monitor branches to the BRK processor (its own or yours) all the registers have been saved. The address of the BRK instruction plus 2 (PC) has been saved at $3A and $3B; the registers A, X, Y, P (status), and S (stack pointer) have been saved in $45 through $49, respectively.
BRK Interceptor/Interpreter
In the program below, lines 1180-1230 will set up the BRK-vector at $3F0 and $3F1 to point to your own BRK processor. Lines 1250-1320 back up the PC value by one, to point at the byte immediately following the BRK instruction. At this point I can decide what to do about the BRK.
Since I want to simulate the operation of LEAX, BSR, and BRA, I will use the BRK instruction to introduce a pseudo instruction of three bytes. I decided to copy A. Sato on this. LEAX is a BRK instruction followed by LDX from an absolute address. This is $AE in hexadecimal, followed by a 16-bit value representing a relative address. BSR is BRK followed by a JSR instruction ($20) and a relative address; BRA is BRK followed by a JMP instruction ($4C) and a relative address.
Looking back at the program, lines 1310 and 1320 store the address of the secondary opcode byte into PNTR and PNTR+1. These two bytes are inside an instruction at line 1760. I didn't want to use any page-zero space, so I had to resort to this kind of self-modifying code. While we are here, lines 1750-1780 pick up the byte whose address is in PNTR. Lines 1710-1740 increment PNTR. If we call GET.THIS.BYTE, it just picks up the byte currently pointed at. If we call GET.NEXT.BYTE, it increments the pointer and gets the next byte.
Lines 1330-1370 pick up the three bytes which follow the BRK. The opcode byte is saved in the Y-register. Lines 1380-1450 compute the effective address, by adding the actual address of the instruction to the relative address inside the instruction.
Lines 1470-1540 classify the opcode; if it is one of the three we have implemented, it branches to the appropriate code. If not, it jumps back into the monitor and processes the BRK in the normal monitor way.
Opcode Implementation
Lines 1560-1780 implement the three opcodes BSR, BRA, and LEAX. BRA (Branch Always) is the easiest one. We have already computed the effective address and stored it in the address field of the JMP instruction at line 1620. All BRA does is restore the registers (line 1610), and JMP to the effective address.
BSR (Branch to Subroutine) is only slightly harder. We first have to push the return address on the stack, and then do a BRA. Lines 1560-1590 do the pushing.
LEA (Load Effective Address) is the hardest. Lines 1650-1690 do the work. First GET.NEXT.BYTE moves the address in PNTR,PNTR+1 to point at the first byte of the next instruction. That is so we can continue exectution. Then MON.RESTORE gets back the original contents of all the registers. THEN LDY and LDX pick up the effective address in the Y- and X-registers. The high byte of the effective address is in the X-register, and the Z- and N-bits in the status register reflect the value of this byte. If you wish, you could modify this to not change the status by inserting a PHP opcode after line 1660, and PLP after line 1680; then the status register would remain unchanged by the entire LEA process. Or you could reverse lines 1670 and 1680, so that the status reflected the low-order byte of the effective address.
Demonstration Using the New Opcodes
Lines 1800 and beyond are a demonstration of the use of the new opcodes. First I defined some macros for the new opcodes. I didn't have to do this, but it is convenient if you have a macro assembler. If you don't, you can use the BRK instruction on one line, followed by a LDX, JSR, or JMP instruction with a relative address on the next line.
My macros are defined in a nested fashion. The BRK macro generates two lines: BRK on the first line, and a second line consisting of the specified opcode and operand. The LEA, BSR, and BRA macros call BRK to generate LDX, JSR, and JMP instructions after the BRK. The operand field is a relative address, computed within the BRK macro.
The demonstration program will run anywhere in memory, as long as the BRK interpreter has been loaded and initialized. You can test this by moving $871-89F to other places and running it. What it does is print out the message in line 2090.
1010 *-------------------------------- 1020 * IMPLEMENTING BSR, BRA, AND LEA OPCODES 1030 * USING THE 'BRK' VECTOR WITH THE 1040 * AUTOSTART ROM 1050 * 1060 * ADAPTED FROM AN ARTICLE IN "LAB LETTERS" 1070 * BY A. SATO 1080 *-------------------------------- 1090 MON.PC .EQ $3A,3B 1100 MON.XREG .EQ $46 1110 MON.YREG .EQ $47 1120 *-------------------------------- 1130 BRK.VECTOR .EQ $3F0,3F1 1140 *-------------------------------- 1150 MON.BRK .EQ $FA59 1160 MON.RESTORE .EQ $FF3F 1170 *-------------------------------- 1180 SETUP 1190 LDA #BREAK.INTERPRETER 1200 STA BRK.VECTOR 1210 LDA /BREAK.INTERPRETER 1220 STA BRK.VECTOR+1 1230 RTS 1240 *-------------------------------- 1250 BREAK.INTERPRETER 1260 LDY MON.PC+1 PICK UP ADDRESS OF THIRD BYTE 1270 LDX MON.PC 1280 BNE .1 BACK UP TO SECOND BYTE 1290 DEY 1300 .1 DEX 1310 STX PNTR MODIFY ADDRESS IN GET.THIS.BYTE SUBROUTINE 1320 STY PNTR+1 1330 JSR GET.THIS.BYTE 1340 TAY OPCODE BYTE 1350 JSR GET.NEXT.BYTE 1360 PHA ADDR-LOW BYTE 1370 JSR GET.NEXT.BYTE 1380 TAX 1390 PLA 1400 SEC ADDR-HIGH BYTE 1410 ADC PNTR COMPUTE EFFECTIVE ADDRESS 1420 STA EFF.ADDR 1430 TXA 1440 ADC PNTR+1 1450 STA EFF.ADDR+1 1460 *-------------------------------- 1470 CPY #$20 CLASSIFY OPCODE 1480 BEQ BSR 1490 CPY #$4C 1500 BEQ BRA 1510 CPY #$AE 1520 BEQ LEA 1530 STY MON.YREG 1540 JMP MON.BRK 1550 *-------------------------------- 1560 BSR LDA PNTR+1 PUSH RETURN ADDRESS ON STACK 1570 PHA 1580 LDA PNTR 1590 PHA AND DO BRA 1600 *-------------------------------- 1610 BRA JSR MON.RESTORE 1620 JMP *-* 1630 EFF.ADDR .EQ *-2 1640 *-------------------------------- 1650 LEA JSR GET.NEXT.BYTE POINT AT NEXT INSTRUCTION 1660 JSR MON.RESTORE RESTORE A-REG AND STATUS 1670 LDY EFF.ADDR ADDR-LO IN Y 1680 LDX EFF.ADDR+1 ADDR-HI IN X 1690 JMP (PNTR) 1700 *-------------------------------- 1710 GET.NEXT.BYTE 1720 INC PNTR 1730 BNE GET.THIS.BYTE 1740 INC PNTR+1 1750 GET.THIS.BYTE 1760 LDA $FFFF (FILLED IN) 1770 PNTR .EQ *-2 1780 RTS 1790 *-------------------------------- 1800 MSG .EQ 0,1 1810 JMP.COUT JMP $FDED 1820 .MA LEA 1830 >BRK LDX,]1 1840 .EM 1850 .MA BSR 1860 >BRK JSR,]1 1870 .EM 1880 .MA BRA 1890 >BRK JMP,]1 1900 .EM 1910 .MA BRK 1920 BRK 1930 ]1 ]2-:1 1940 :1 1950 .EM 1960 TEST >LEA MESSAGE 1970 STX MSG+1 1980 STY MSG 1990 LDY #0 2000 .1 LDA (MSG),Y 2010 PHA 2020 ORA #$80 2030 >BSR JMP.COUT 2040 INY 2050 PLA 2060 BPL .1 2070 LDA #$8D CARRIAGE RETURN 2080 >BRA JMP.COUT 2090 MESSAGE .AT /THIS IS MY MESSAGE/ |
Most people use the language card as nothing more than a ROM simulator for the other version of BASIC that is not on the motherboard. But it can do much more since the memory is actually RAM. Indeed Bob S-C's Macro Assembler has a version which runs in a Language Card. The FLASH! Integer BASIC compiler which I wrote uses the language card in place of a disk file providing higher speed compilations for those people who have a language card.
One nice aspect of having the language card is the ability to move Apple software from ROM to RAM in the card and make changes to add a new capability. Some people have done this already with the Apple monitor to add an extra feature or two at the expense of another (who needs the tape I/O routines).
The program assciated with this article will allow you to patch a RAM card version of Applesoft to modify the 'HPLOT' command to function as an 'HXPLOT' command. What is 'HXPLOT' you say. Remember the DRAW and XDRAW commands in Applesoft. The 'DRAW' command will place a shape on the screen; 'XDRAW' does the same thing, but 'XDRAW' has the unique ability to redraw the shape and erase it from the screen leaving whatever was on the screen initially still intact. The 'HXPLOT' function in the listing functions the same way for the 'HPLOT' command as 'XDRAW' does for the 'DRAW' command.
I have been developing a Hi-Res graphics editor as my next product. During the development cycle I was working with a line draw game paddle routine. You move a cursor to a position and anchor one end of the line to a point. Then you can move to another position and while you move a line stretches out from the point like a rubber band to the current cursor position. This gives you a preview of what the line looks like before you plot the line. The 'HXPLOT' function does have one sleight problem: it plots independent of the current color.
What the function actually does as it draws a line is to invert each dot of the line path instead of plotting a color. When the same line is drawn with the same coordinates the bits on the line path are inverted again back to their original value, restoring the screen to what it was before you started HXPLOTting.
You may be wondering why not just use the 'HPLOT' as it is to do this. You could just draw the line once with a color of 3 then change the color to 0 and erase the line with another 'HPLOT'. This only works if you have a black screen with no other images on it. If their are other images on the screen then when you erase the line you will draw a black line through those other images causing them to change. Only a function like 'XDRAW' or the 'HXPLOT' will be non-destructive of the background data on the screen.
How It Works
The 'HPLOT' command in Applesoft is actually two commands in one.
HPLOT x, y plots 1 point HPLOT x1,y1 TO x2,y2 plots a line
Each of the routines have one common place where they plot a bit onto the hi-res screen. The point plotting routine is at $F457 in the ROM and the line routine is at $F53A in the ROM. By putting Applesoft into the RAM card we can patch into these routines and modify their operation.
The two areas that are patched are at $F457 and $F58D. After you run the patch program you should see the Applesoft prompt character and there will be no program in memory. So type in the small demo program listed here and run it.
10 HGR2: POKE 769,1 15 POKE 28,127: CALL 62454 20 FOR I=0 TO 279 STEP 10: FOR J=0 TO 192 STEP 10 25 HPLOT 140,96 TO I,J 30 FOR Z=1 TO 1: NEXT Z 40 HPLOT 140,96 TO I,J 50 NEXT J: NEXT I 100 GOTO 10
If you have an Integer BASIC motherboard you should boot up your system master disk and have Applesoft loaded into your RAM card before using the routine.
1000 *-------------------------------- 1010 * THIS ROUTINE ADDS AN XPLOT CAPABILITY 1020 * TO APPLESOFT. THE FLAG AT $301 (769) 1030 * CONTROLS WHETHER HPLOT OR XPLOT IS 1040 * FUNCTIONING. 1050 * 1060 * POKE 769,0 ENABLES HPLOT 1070 * POKE 769,1 ENABLES XPLOT 1080 *-------------------------------- 1090 .OR $300 1100 .TF B.HXPLOT 1110 NEW.HLIN LDA #0 TEST 'XPLOT' FLAG 1120 BNE .2 YES 'XPLOT' MODE 1130 LDA ($26),Y PLOT NORMAL LINE 1140 EOR $1C 1150 AND $30 1160 .1 JMP $F593 BACK INTO APPLESOFT LINE ROUTINE 1170 .2 LDA #$7F MASK COLOR SHIFT BIT 1180 AND $30 OFF OF BIT MASK 1190 AND ($26),Y TEST SCREEN BIT 1200 BNE .1 BIT IS SET!... SO CLEAR IT 1210 LDA #$7F BIT IS CLEAR!...SO SET IT 1220 AND $30 BIT MASK WITHOUT COLOR SHIFT BIT 1230 BPL .1 BRANCH ALWAYS 1240 *-------------------------------- 1250 NEW.PLOT JSR $F411 CALL HPOSN ROUTINE 1260 LDA $301 TEST 'XPLOT' FLAG 1270 BNE .1 YES 'XPLOT' MODE 1280 JMP $F45A PLOT NORMAL 1290 .1 LDA #$7F XPLOT 1300 AND $30 MASK COLOR SHIFT BIT OFF 1310 AND ($26),Y TEST SCREEN BIT 1320 BNE .2 SCREEN BIT IS SET 1330 LDA #$7F ...CLEAR SO PREPARE TO 1340 AND $30 SET SCREEN BIT 1350 .2 JMP $F460 BACK INTO APPLESOFT XPLOT ROUTINE 1360 *-------------------------------- 1370 * 1380 * TO USE THE ABOVE FUNCTION YOU MUST HAVE A RAM CARD. 1390 * APPLESOFT MUST BE IN THE RAM CARD. 1400 * THEN YOU MUST DO THE FOLLOWING: 1410 * 1420 * 0. BLOAD B.XPLOT.FOR.FP LOAD THE XPLOT ROUTINE 1430 * 1. CALL-151 TO ENTER THE MONITOR 1440 * 2. C081 C081 TO WRITE ENABLE THE CARD 1450 * 3. GO TO STEP 5 IF YOU HAVE AN INTEGER BASIC MOTHER BOARD 1460 * 4. D000<D000.FFFFM PUT APPLESOFT INTO RAM CARD 1470 * 5. F58D:4C 00 03 PATCH FOR LINE ROUTINE 1480 * 6. F457:4C 1B 03 PATCH FOR POINT PLOT ROUTINE 1490 * 7. C080 WRITE PROTECT THE RAM CARD 1500 * 8. 3D3G START APPLESOFT UP 1510 *-------------------------------- 1520 * FOR LAZY SOULS HERE IS AN AUTOMATIC PATCH ROUTINE. 1530 *-------------------------------- 1540 MON.COUT .EQ $FDED MONITOR CHARACTER OUT ROUTINE 1550 .OR $4000 1560 .TF B.PATCH.XPLOT 1570 START LDY #0 1580 .1 LDA MESG,Y 1590 BEQ L.100 1600 JSR MON.COUT PRINT MESSAGE 1610 INY 1620 BNE .1 BRANCH ALWAYS 1630 MESG .HS 8D84 1640 .AS -/BLOAD B.XPLOT.FOR.FP/ 1650 .HS 8D00 1660 L.100 LDA $C081 ROM READ 1670 LDA $C081 RAM CARD WRITE 1680 LDA $E000 CHECK MOTHERBOARD ROM 1690 CMP #$20 IS IT INTEGER BASIC 1700 BEQ L.200 YES SO MUST HAVE FP FROM SYSTEM MASTER 1710 LDA #$D0 NO SO COPY FP FROM ROM TO RAM CARD 1720 STA $1 1730 LDA #0 1740 STA $0 1750 .1 LDY #0 1760 .2 LDA ($0),Y 1770 STA ($0),Y 1780 INY 1790 BNE .2 1800 INC $1 1810 BNE .1 1820 L.200 LDA #$4C SET PATCHES INTO RAM CARD APPLESOFT 1830 STA $F58D 1840 STA $F457 1850 LDA #NEW.HLIN 1860 STA $F58E 1870 LDA /NEW.HLIN 1880 STA $F58F 1890 LDA #NEW.PLOT 1900 STA $F458 1910 LDA /NEW.PLOT 1920 STA $F459 1930 LDA $C080 1940 JMP $3D3 START UP RAM CARD APPLESOFT |
The following program implements one of the most inefficient methods of sorting a list of items ever invented. It is also a very specific implementation, not general at all. But it should be valuable to study if you are not already well-versed in sorting techniques. After execution, the bytes from $00 to $0F will be in ascending order.
1000 *-------------------------------- 1010 * BUBBLE-SORT DEMO 1020 *-------------------------------- 1030 LIST .EQ $00 THRU $0F 1040 N .EQ 16 1050 FLAG .EQ $10 1060 *-------------------------------- 1070 BUBBLE LDY #0 INITIAL INDEX 1080 STY FLAG INTERCHANGE FLAG 1090 .1 LDA LIST+1,Y COMPARE TWO ADJACENT ITEMS 1100 CMP LIST,Y 1110 BCS .2 ALREADY IN CORRECT ORDER 1120 PHA INTERCHANGE THEM 1130 LDA LIST,Y 1140 STA LIST+1,Y 1150 PLA 1160 STA LIST,Y 1170 LDA #$FF SET INTERCHANGE FLAG 1180 STA FLAG 1190 .2 INY NEXT OVERLAPPING PAIR 1200 CPY #N-1 1210 BCC .1 STILL A PAIR LEFT 1220 LDA FLAG WAS AN INTERCHANGE PERFORMED? 1230 BNE BUBBLE YES, MAKE ANOTHER PASS 1240 RTS NO, ALL SORTED |
I've just been playing with a new program called DOS File Exchange (DFX), and it is wonderful. Author Graeme Scott has provided a very useful tool for transferring any type of files through a modem, with full error-checking. You can even chat at the keyboards while the transfer is going on!
The DFX program must be running on both computers, and one of them must be using an original (primary) disk of the program. The program can be copied to produce a secondary disk; DFX will even send a copy of itself to a remote Apple, but the copy will be a secondary.
To transfer files, one user selects a "master" mode, so he will control both Apples. He then chooses whether he will send or receive; the program then transmits the sending Apple's disk catalog to the receiver. The master user selects the files wanted from the catalog and starts the transfer. Both users are then free to chat, supervise the transfer in one of three display modes, or even leave the room.
At almost any time, you can switch back and forth between Function and Chat modes. Function is used to select all control and menu choices; Chat sends all characters entered to the other Apple.
There are three display modes, called M(enu), U(tility), and G(raphic). Menu shows choices, including the disk catalog when files are being chosen. Utility displays the transmitted and received data streams, and allows more space for chatting. Graphic displays the data being transferred on the Hi-res screen, so if you are receiving a picture you can watch it take shape.
The only drawbacks I've found are that DFX will only operate with a Hayes Micromodem II in slot 2 and the disk in slot 6, drive 1.
DFX is available from Arrow Micro Software, 11 Kingsford, Kanata Ont., K2K 1T5 Canada.
For an easy semi-automatic SAVE, we use the following line in every program:
1000 *HHHHHHSAVE filename
The six H's are control H's (backspaces), entered by holding the CTRL key down and typing OHOHOHOHOHOH. (Control-O allows a following control character to be entered into a line.) To save the source file, just type LIST 1000, esc-I, and copy over the line. Make it a point to always have the SAVE in line 1000; it's much easier to remember.
It happens all the time! I am continually needing to ask Yes/No questions in my programs. I do it now with the following subroutine, which has been somewhat stripped down for publication.
Assume you have just printed the question itself on the screen, preferably with " (Y/N)?" on the end. Then call my subroutine with "JSR YES.NO". The subroutine will clear the keyboard strobe, so that it is sure it is getting the answer to this question, and not just a stray character you accidentally typed. Then as soon as you hit any key, it will put it on the screen where the question ended and return to you.
At the point you should use BNE to branch where you want to if the user has typed something other than "Y" or "N". Once that is out of the way, use BCC or BCS to branch on whether it was "Y" or "N". The subroutine sets carry for "N" and clears carry for "Y".
In my actual programs, I have one more line between 1120 and 1130. It is JSR MESSAGE.PRINTER, which expects a message number in the Y-register. You can use it either way. You might also like to insert two more lines to call the message printer to print " (Y/N)? " for every question; that way the common string does not have to be repeatedly stored in memory with every question.
1000 *-------------------------------- 1010 * YES/NO SUBROUTINE 1020 * 1030 * RETURN .NE. IF NEITHER "Y" NOR "N" 1040 * .EQ. AND .CC. IF "Y" 1050 * .EQ. AND .CS. IF "N" 1060 *-------------------------------- 1070 STROBE .EQ $C010 1080 MON.RDKEY .EQ $FD0C 1090 MON.CH .EQ $24 1100 MON.BASE .EQ $28 AND $29 1110 *-------------------------------- 1120 YES.NO 1130 STA STROBE 1140 JSR MON.RDKEY 1150 LDY MON.CH 1160 CMP #'N+$80 1170 BEQ .1 1180 CMP #'Y+$80 1190 BNE .2 1200 CLC 1210 .1 STA (MON.BASE),Y 1220 .2 RTS |
The other day I was working on my Apple at home, and the kids were trying to sleep in the same room. The program I was working on needed to indicate erroneous input by a bell, and I had to test it. Suddenly I realized how loud and sharp the Apple bell is!
With all that motivation, I threw together this little routine which makes a soft and pleasant tone to use for my own little bell. It generates fifty repetitions of a triple-toggle pattern, with time intervals selected for their harmonious character.
Lines 1070, 1170, and 1180 establish a loop equivalent to the Applesoft code:
FOR X = 50 TO 1 STEP -1: . . . : NEXT
In assembly language it frequently occurs that backwards running loop counts are easier to use than forward ones, and this is just such a case.
Examine lines 1080-1160, and you will see a pattern repeated three times. In each case I load A with a value, call MON.DELAY, and toggle the speaker. The value passed to MON.DELAY is first 14, then 10, and then 6. MON.DELAY is a subroutine in the Apple Monitor ROM which delays an amount of time depending on what value you pass in the A-register, according to the following formula:
# cycles delay = 2.5*N*N + 13.5*N +13
This includes the six cycles of the JSR used to call the subroutine. Each cycle is...well, the Apple clock is roughly 1.023 a cycle is about .9775 microseconds long. The counts of 14, 10, and 6 give intervals between toggles of 630.5, 204, and 195 (including the overhead instructions in SC.BELL).
You can play with the values, and try creating your own variations. You might try adding a fourth toggle per loop, changing the number of loops, changing the delay counts, and so on. Have fun!
1000 *--------------------------------- 1010 * MY OWN LITTLE BELL 1020 *-------------------------------- 1030 MON.DELAY .EQ $FCA8 1040 SPEAKER .EQ $C030 1050 *-------------------------------- 1060 SC.BELL 1070 LDX #50 1080 .1 LDA #14 1090 JSR MON.DELAY 1100 LDA SPEAKER 1110 LDA #10 1120 JSR MON.DELAY 1130 LDA SPEAKER 1140 LDA #6 1150 JSR MON.DELAY 1160 LDA SPEAKER 1170 DEX 1180 BNE .1 1190 RTS |
Have you heard of the "Shift-Key Mod"? By running a wire from the game connector to the right spot on the keyboard circuit, you can use software to tell whether or not the shift key is pressed. You can make your Apple keyboard almost normal!
Some word processors come with a convenient device which has a clip on one end of a wire, and a DIP socket-plug on the other. (I sell such a device for $15 without any software.) Apples with the piggy-back board below the keyboard can use the clip. If you don't have that kind of Apple, you need to solder a small wire to the bottom of either shift key, and clip onto that wire. Of course, you can run the wire all the way to the game connector and avoid the extra expense...I did it that way on my first Apple.
But what about software? All the mod does is bring the shift key into the game connector as PB2. You can read it with LDA $C063. If the value read is $00-7F, the shift key is being pressed; if $80-FF, the shift key is not pressed. You have to write a special keyboard input subroutine to convert letters to lower case ASCII codes if the shift key is not down.
Here is just such a subroutine! It is the one I use in my word processor (a product still being developed). Another routine sets up a cursor on the screen, and then calls READ.KEY.WITH.CASE to get the next keypress.
Lines 1140-1160 read the keyboard, and keep reading until you press a key other than the shift key. Once you press a key, the value at KEYBRD will be a code between $80 and $DF; the value is considered negative by the 6502, so execution continues at line 1170.
Lines 1170-1200 are an optional keyclick routine. In my word processor, a control-P turns the keyclicking on and off. I discovered that a very short "bell" sounds like a clicking keyboard, so that is what I use. The monitor bell subroutine toggles the speaker 192 times at about a 1000 Hertz rate to make a beep; I do it 10 times to make a click.
Lines 1210-1220 pick up the keypress code again and clear the keyboard strobe. This sets up the keyboard electronics so that you can read the next keypress next time around.
Lines 1230-1240 test the shift key. If it is down, the BPL will branch to the upper case section at line 1320. If the shift key is not down, lines 1270-1280 test whether the character is a letter. If so, line 1290 makes it into a lower-case code.
I am using the codes from $E0 through $FF for lower-case. This is standard ASCII, and is also compatible with the various lower-case display adapters available on the Apple. $E1 through $FA are the letters a-z; $E0 is a tick-mark; $FB-FF are special punctuation marks. If you don't have a lower-case display adapter, these codes display as punctuation and numbers.
Lines 1320-1420 handle characters typed with the shift key down. If the code is less than $C0, the keyboard input code is correct already. Above $C0, the code is correct unless you have typed M, N, or P. The Apple translates these shifted letters into @, ], and ^, respectively. My logic translates them back into capital letters.
I use a special control sequence to enter the punctuation characters with codes above $C0, which is not shown here. You type control-O, which stands for "override", and then one of the letters klmnop or KLMNOP. The letter translates into the corresponding punctuation code. For example, control-O, shift-M is a right bracket (]); control-O, shift-P is an at-sign (@).
1000 *-------------------------------- 1010 * READ KEY WITH CASE CONTROL 1020 *-------------------------------- 1030 KEYBRD .EQ $C000 1040 KYSTRB .EQ $C010 1050 SPKR .EQ $C030 1060 SHIFT.KEY .EQ $C063 1070 *-------------------------------- 1080 MON.BELL2 .EQ $FBE4 1090 *-------------------------------- 1100 KEY.CLICK.FLAG .EQ $00 1110 CASE.INPUT.FLAG .EQ $01 1120 CURRENT.CHAR .EQ $02 1130 *-------------------------------- 1140 READ.KEY.WITH.CASE 1150 LDA KEYBRD GET CHAR FROM KEYBOARD 1160 BPL READ.KEY.WITH.CASE 1170 LDA KEY.CLICK.FLAG CLICKING? 1180 BEQ .1 NO 1190 LDY #10 YES, 10 HALF-CYCLES WILL 1200 JSR MON.BELL2 SOUND LIKE A CLICK 1210 .1 LDA KEYBRD CHAR AGAIN 1220 STA KYSTRB 1230 BIT SHIFT.KEY SHIFT KEY DOWN? 1240 BPL .2 YES 1250 BIT CASE.INPUT.FLAG 1260 BMI .2 IN SHIFT LOCK UPPER CASE 1270 CMP #$C0 NO, LOWER CASE IF LETTER 1280 BCC .5 NOT A LETTER 1290 ORA #$20 LETTER, MAKE LOWER CASE 1300 BNE .5 ...ALWAYS 1310 *---SHIFT KEY PRESSED------------ 1320 .2 CMP #$C0 SEE IF LETTER 1330 BCC .5 NOT A LETTER KEY 1340 BEQ .4 SHIFT-P 1350 CMP #$DD SHIFT-M 1360 BEQ .3 YES 1370 CMP #$DE SHIFT-N 1380 BNE .5 NO 1390 .3 AND #$EF MAKE CAPITAL-M OR -N 1400 BNE .5 ...ALWAYS 1410 *-------------------------------- 1420 .4 LDA #$D0 MAKE CAPITAL-P 1430 .5 STA CURRENT.CHAR 1440 RTS |
Many times I have wanted a utility which would list out all references to page-zero locations withing a program. For example, when I am trying to avoid conflicts with DOS or Applesoft, I need to know which ones they use and where.
The following little program hooks into the Apple Monitor through the control-Y user command. You type in the address range you want to search through, control-Y, and a carriage return. The Apple will disassemble only those instructions within the address range which reference page-zero locations.
Lines 1220-1280 set up the control-Y vector. When the monitor detects a control-Y command, it branches to $3F8. The JMP instruction there in turn branches to CTRL.Y at line 1320.
Line 1330 loads the first address of the range into PCL and PCH. If you did not type any range before the control-Y, the previous value will be used.
Lines 1340-1540 decide whether the instruction starting at the address in PCL,PCH references page-zero or not. All instructions which reference page-zero have opcodes of the form x1, x4, x5, or x6. All of the x1, x5, and x6 possiblities are valid; only 24, 84-C4, and E4 in the x4 column are valid.
Lines 1580 and 1590 call on a piece of the monitor L-command to disassemble the one instruction. This also updates PCL,PCH to point to the next opcode byte.
Lines 1600-1700 allow you to stop/start the listing by typing any key, to single-step the listing by pressing any two keys simultaneously, and to abort by typing RETURN.
Lines 1740-1780 are executed if the instruction does not reference page-zero. The call on pieces of the L-command to figure out the number of bytes in the instruction and update PCL,PCH accordingly.
Lines 1820-1870 check to see if the range you specified has been covered yet. If not, keep searching; if so, stop.
This kind of program should be in your tool-kit when you are debugging. Just don't lose it under all those other tools!
1000 *SAVE S.LOOK FOR PAGE ZERO 1010 *-------------------------------- 1020 * SEARCH FOR PAGE ZERO REFERENCES 1030 *-------------------------------- 1040 MON.A1L .EQ $3C 1050 MON.A1H .EQ $3D 1060 MON.A2L .EQ $3E 1070 MON.A2H .EQ $3F 1080 MON.PCL .EQ $3A 1090 MON.PCH .EQ $3B 1100 *-------------------------------- 1110 KEYBOARD .EQ $C000 1120 STROBE .EQ $C010 1130 *-------------------------------- 1140 MON.LIST2 .EQ $FE63 1150 MON.INSDS .EQ $F88C 1160 MON.A1PC .EQ $FE75 1170 MON.PCADJ .EQ $F953 1180 MON.NXTA1 .EQ $FCBA 1190 *-------------------------------- 1200 * SET UP CONTROL-Y VECTOR 1210 *-------------------------------- 1220 SETUPY LDA #$4C 'JMP' OPCODE 1230 STA $3F8 1240 LDA #CTRL.Y 1250 STA $3F9 1260 LDA /CTRL.Y 1270 STA $3FA 1280 RTS 1290 *-------------------------------- 1300 * CONTROL-Y COMES HERE 1310 *-------------------------------- 1320 CTRL.Y 1330 JSR MON.A1PC IF ADDRESS SPECIFIED, PUT IN PC 1340 .1 LDY #0 1350 LDA (MON.PCL),Y 1360 AND #$0F 1370 CMP #1 1380 BEQ .3 1390 CMP #4 1400 BCC .6 1410 BNE .2 1420 LDA (MON.PCL),Y 1430 AND #$F0 1440 CMP #$20 BIT Z 1450 BEQ .3 1460 CMP #$80 1470 BCC .6 NO 1480 CMP #$D0 1490 BEQ .6 NO 1500 CMP #$F0 1510 BEQ .6 NO 1520 BNE .3 YES 1530 .2 CMP #7 1540 BCS .6 1550 *-------------------------------- 1560 * INSTRUCTION REFERENCES PAGE-ZERO 1570 *-------------------------------- 1580 .3 LDA #1 DISASSEMBLE THIS ONE INSTRUCTION 1590 JSR MON.LIST2 DISASSEMBLE 1600 LDA KEYBOARD SEE IF KEYPRESS 1610 BPL .7 NO 1620 STA STROBE YES, CLEAR IT 1630 CMP #$8D 1640 BEQ .5 1650 .4 LDA KEYBOARD 1660 BPL .4 1670 STA STROBE 1680 CMP #$8D 1690 BNE .7 1700 .5 RTS 1710 *-------------------------------- 1720 * DOES NOT REFERENCE PAGE-ZERO 1730 *-------------------------------- 1740 .6 LDX #0 1750 JSR MON.INSDS GET LENGTH OF INSTRUCTION 1760 JSR MON.PCADJ 1770 STA MON.PCL 1780 STY MON.PCH 1790 *-------------------------------- 1800 * TEST IF FINISHED 1810 *-------------------------------- 1820 .7 LDA MON.PCL 1830 CMP MON.A2L 1840 LDA MON.PCH 1850 SBC MON.A2H 1860 BCC .1 1870 RTS |
Being a thoroughly lazy (and fumblefingered) typist, I have been itching for an automatic CATALOG command to go with the automatic LOAD in the S-C Macro Assembler. Well I finally have it; now loading a file is just esc-C, esc-I...IL. I chose esc-C for CATALOG because I never use the esc-ABCD cursor moves. If you do like those, esc-G and -H are available; right now they are like NOP's.
The Macro Assembler takes the character following an escape (@, A, B,..., L, M) and makes it an index into a jump table located from $1467-1482. Esc-C is at $146D in the table, esc-G is $1475, and esc-H is $1477.
The patch is only $28 bytes long, short enough to easily fit in page 3, but I decided to go ahead and create a spare page for patches by moving the symbol table up one page. This technique is mentioned on page 5-3 of the Macro Assembler manual.
To install the patch, first move the symbol table base up by changing location $101D from $32 to $33. Now insert the address of the patch into the jump table by changing locations $146D-6E from $65 FC to $FF 31 (or your location-1). Type "BLOAD PATCH", then "BSAVE ASM MACRO.MOD,A$1000,L$22FF", and there you have it.
1000 *-------------------------------- 1010 .OR $3200 1020 .TF PATCH 1030 *-------------------------------- 1040 CH .EQ $24 1050 BASL .EQ $28 1060 XSAVE .EQ $40 1070 WBUF .EQ $200 1080 *-------------------------------- 1090 ESCAPE.C 1100 CPX #0 BEGINNING OF LINE? 1110 BNE .2 NO, RETURN 1120 LDY #1 1130 .1 LDA MSG-1,Y GET CHARACTER 1140 STA (BASL),Y PUT ON SCREEN 1150 STA WBUF,X PUT IN BUFFER 1160 INY 1170 INX 1180 CPY #8 DONE? 1190 BNE .1 NO 1200 STY CH 1210 STX XSAVE TELL THE ASSEMBLER 1220 TSX THAT THIS WAS AN 1230 LDA #$CC ESCAPE-L, SO IT WILL 1240 STA $103,X GO AHEAD AND EXECUTE 1250 LDX XSAVE THE COMMAND 1260 .2 RTS 1270 *-------------------------------- 1280 MSG .AS -/CATALOG/ |
Here is the program I like to use to examine memory; it displays an entire page on the screen in both hex and ASCII formats. This makes the screen kind of crowded, but I particularly wanted a full page at a time. A program like this is useful for inspecting the results of last month's TRACK READ program, studying the internal format of an Applesoft program, or just exploring inside your Apple.
Examiner uses the left and right arrow keys to decrement or increment the page being displayed. You can also type "P" to allow entry of a page number in hex. Notice that the number entered is rolled into the page number from the right. Escape exits the program.
Lines 1180-1260 set things up to start with page zero.
Lines 1280-1390 display the index, then twelve bytes in hex format.
Lines 1410-1460 reset the indices to display the same twelve bytes in ASCII.
Lines 1480-1630 do the ASCII display, changing any inverse or flashing values to normal and substituting periods for control characters.
Lines 1700-1870 process the commands to change the page being displayed.
Lines 1890-2160 accept characters "0" through "F" and convert them into hex values, rolling the values into the page number to be displayed.
Lines 2180-2260 display the header "page=".
This is threatening to turn into a monthly column; what do you readers think of that idea? Are these routines too trivial? Too complicated? Do you have any questions about them? About anything fairly basic? Drop me a line here at AAL and let me know what you think. I'll look forward to hearing from you.
1000 *-------------------------------- 1010 .OR $300 1020 .TF EXAMINER 1030 *-------------------------------- 1040 POINT .EQ $00,01 1050 PAGE .EQ $01 1060 CH .EQ $24 1070 * 1080 KEYBOARD .EQ $C000 1090 STROBE .EQ $C010 1100 * 1110 PRBL2 .EQ $F94A 1120 HOME .EQ $FC58 1130 RDKEY .EQ $FD0C 1140 CROUT .EQ $FD8E 1150 PRBYTE .EQ $FDDA 1160 COUT .EQ $FDED 1170 *-------------------------------- 1180 START LDA #$00 1190 STA POINT START WITH 1200 STA PAGE PAGE ZERO 1210 *-------------------------------- 1220 DISPLAY.NEW.PAGE 1230 JSR HOME 1240 JSR PRINT.HEADER 1250 JSR CROUT 1260 LDY #$00 1270 * 1280 NEW.LINE 1290 LDX #$0C TWELVE BYTES AT A TIME 1300 TYA 1310 JSR PRBYTE PRINT INDEX 1320 LDA #$A0 1330 JSR COUT SPACE 1340 .1 LDA (POINT),Y 1350 JSR PRBYTE PRINT HEX 1360 INY 1370 BEQ FILLIN PAGE DONE? 1380 DEX 1390 BNE .1 TWELVE YET? 1400 * 1410 ADJUST TYA 1420 SBC #$0C RESET Y 1430 TAY 1440 LDA #$A0 1450 JSR COUT SPACE 1460 LDX #$0C TWELVE AGAIN 1470 * 1480 ASCII LDA (POINT),Y 1490 CMP #$40 INVERSE? 1500 BCS .1 NO 1510 ORA #$C0 NORMALIZE 1520 .1 CMP #$80 FLASHING? 1530 BCS .2 NO 1540 ORA #$80 NORMALIZE 1550 .2 CMP #$A0 CONTROL? 1560 BCS .3 NO 1570 LDA #$AE PUT PERIOD 1580 .3 JSR COUT SEND IT 1590 INY 1600 BEQ GET.COMMAND PAGE DONE? 1610 DEX 1620 BNE ASCII LINE DONE? 1630 BEQ NEW.LINE 1640 * 1650 FILLIN LDX #$10 FILL LAST PARTIAL 1660 JSR PRBL2 LINE WITH SPACES 1670 LDY #$08 ADJUST Y 1680 BNE ADJUST 1690 *-------------------------------- 1700 GET.COMMAND 1710 JSR CROUT 1720 .1 JSR RDKEY 1730 CMP #$9B ESCAPE? 1740 BEQ .2 1750 CMP #$95 RIGHT ARROW? 1760 BEQ .3 1770 CMP #$88 LEFT ARROW? 1780 BEQ .4 1790 CMP #$D0 "P"? 1800 BEQ GET.PAGE.NUMBER 1810 BNE .1 NONE OF THE ABOVE 1820 .2 RTS 1830 * 1840 .3 INC PAGE 1850 JMP DISPLAY.NEW.PAGE 1860 .4 DEC PAGE 1870 JMP DISPLAY.NEW.PAGE 1880 *-------------------------------- 1890 GET.PAGE.NUMBER 1900 JSR PRINT.HEADER 1910 .1 DEC CH SO PRBYTE WILL ALWAYS 1920 DEC CH DISPLAY IN SAME PLACE 1930 .2 LDA KEYBOARD 1940 BPL .2 1950 STA STROBE 1960 CMP #$8D RETURN? 1970 BEQ .5 YES, EXIT 1980 EOR #$B0 1990 CMP #$A 0-9? 2000 BCC .3 YES 2010 ADC #$88 2020 CMP #$FA A-F? 2030 BCC .2 NO 2040 * 2050 .3 LDY #$3 LOOP 4 TIMES 2060 ASL THROW AWAY HIGH NYBBLE 2070 ASL 2080 ASL 2090 ASL 2100 .4 ASL SHIFT INTO 2110 ROL PAGE PAGE NUMBER 2120 DEY 2130 BPL .4 2140 LDA PAGE 2150 JSR PRBYTE DISPLAY PAGE NUMBER 2160 JMP .1 GET NEXT KEYPRESS 2170 .5 JMP DISPLAY.NEW.PAGE 2180 *-------------------------------- 2190 PRINT.HEADER 2200 LDY #$00 2210 .1 LDA QPAGE,Y 2220 JSR COUT 2230 INY 2240 CPY #$05 2250 BNE .1 2260 LDA PAGE 2270 JMP PRBYTE 2280 * 2290 QPAGE .AS -/PAGE=/ |