Apple Assembly Line
Volume 6 -- Issue 8May 1986

In This Issue...

Enhancing Applesoft with the Toolbox Series

A number of years ago, when Roger Wagner Publishing was still called Southwestern Data Systems, he published Peter Meyer's program "The Routine Machine". The system evolved into four packages: Wizard's Toolbox, Database Toolbox, Video Toolbox, and Chart'n Graph Toolbox. Each "Toolbox" contains a large assortment of assembly language routines which enhance the capabilities of Applesoft. The "Workbench" (included with each Toolbox) allows programmers to add any assortment of these routines to their Applesoft programs at any time. The routines are all called by using the ampersand (&) statement.

Roger will make a special deal for Apple Assembly Line subscribers: he'll send a free copy of the "Trial-size Toolbox" (normally $3) to anyone who mentions reading about the package here. The disk includes eight ampersand commands, including a charting command-set with 12 sub-commands, a fixed-length input command, and a print with word-wrap command. All are usable under either DOS 3.3 or ProDOS. Also on the disk is the text of a 50-page manual. The manual includes a tutorial for the toolbox system, a complete explanation of the commands included on the sampler disk, and a comprehensive listing of every command in each of our Toolbox packages. For the free sampler write to Roger Wagner Publishing, Box 582, Santee, CA 92071.

The Toolbox packages are normally $39.95 each. We'll sell them here at S-C for $36 each, or $140 for the complete set.

DOS 3.3 for the UniDisk 3.5 (RWTS 3.5)Bill Morgan

We finally got one of Apple's new UniDisk 3.5 drives for the //e, and let me tell you it's very nice. This small but large addition to our favorite computer is about half the volume of a Disk II, but each disk stores almost six times as much information. It's even a bit faster than the 5.25" drives, about 1.3 times the speed.

Of course there's a catch. In line with Apple's policy of supporting ProDOS only, the new device doesn't use DOS 3.3, at least not as far as Apple is concerned. There are already several different UniDisk versions of DOS, and we're about to build our own right here. It's really quite easy.

There are two parts to the problem: intercepting and handling RWTS calls to the UniDisk slot, and formatting a 3.5" disk with a DOS VTOC and Catalog.

There are a variety of ways to take over a call to RWTS. When we call RWTS at $3D9 it jumps on to $B7B5, where interrupts are disabled before calling the real RWTS entry at $BD00. Some programs take control at $B7B7 and others at $BD00. I looked at the code at $BD00 and saw that it does a little housekeeping and then at $BD10 loads the accumulator with the slot*16 value from the IOB. That looks like the ideal time to check to see if this call is for my slot, so $BD12 is where I patch in the jump to my code. If you are using several nonstandard devices with DOS 3.3 (Sider or other hard disk, RAM disk, other drives) you will need to keep track of who's patching into RWTS where.

Now we come to the question of where to put our version of RWTS. There's certainly no room inside DOS for almost a page of code plus two pages of buffer. I thought I could probably squeeze the code into page three, but that still left that buffer (not to mention the crowd already living at that popular address!) It occurred to me to throw INIT away and put the code inside the existing RWTS at $BEAF, but what about the buffer? I finally decided to use the time-honored technique of moving the DOS buffers and HIMEM down and installing my program and buffer in there. That's also crowded, but where isn't? The first working version of RWTS 3.5 ran at $9900, with the buffer at $9B00-9CFF. The installation routine checked to see if anyone else was using the space and returned an error if so. Applesoft and the S-C Macro Assembler got along with this arrangement just fine, so I spent some time polishing the program and started to write this article.

That's when I was forcibly reminded that the S-C Word Processor sets its own HIMEM and is firmly convinced that $9900-99FF is the buffer for characters deleted off the screen. In other words, the first time I tried to save some text to the UniDisk it blew sky high. I had decided to live without the Word Processor on the UniDisk for the time being when I noticed a couple of interesting things in Beneath Apple DOS. There is a 342-byte buffer inside RWTS at $BB00-BC55, and the code immediately after that buffer is called only by INIT! There really are two full pages of available buffer space inside DOS along with room for the code.

So this edition of RWTS 3.5 runs at $BEAF, with its buffer at $BB00-BCFF. I did hit one more snag when I went to use that buffer area; $BCDF-BCFF is officially unused, which means it's a popular place for other patches. My system has part of our fast LOAD/BLOAD patch (AAL April 83) there, so I had to shave a few more bytes out of my program to make room to move the LOAD patch up to $BF97-BFB7. You may have to make some such adjustment, so be sure to check for some other patch at $BCDF.

The UniDisk 3.5 uses a new software interface, called the Protocol Converter. The PC is a sort of serial bus, which can have several devices daisy-chained to the same controller. We program the PC with a calling structure very similar to the ProDOS MLI calls. Here's an example:

           .DA #1        read command
           .DA PARMLIST
           BCS ERROR
           ... whatever code

           .DA #3        3 parameters
           .DA #1        unit number
           .DA BUFFER    buffer address
           .DA <BLOCK    block number (3 bytes)

That's all it takes to read a 512-byte block into our buffer. Notice that this standard specifies a 3-byte block number: all current devices use only two bytes of the block number, but they're allowing for expansion beyond 32 megabytes. The unit number isn't the same as a ProDOS unit; this is the position of the device in the PC chain. We need to look up the value of DISPATCH in the card. The byte at $CsFF (s = slot) contains the offset into the ROM of the ProDOS driver entry and the Protocol Converter entry is defined to be 3 bytes after that. For example, in my UniDisk 3.5 controller in slot 5 the byte at $C5FF is $0A. That means that the ProDOS entry to the card is $C50A and the PC entry is $C50D.

There's a quick look at the Protocol Converter. We haven't seen much information published about it yet. The new //c Technical Reference Manual has a good section, including a ROM listing, but the //e UniDisk 3.5 includes no programmer's documentation. Bob is planning a more extensive article on its programming for next month's AAL. Stay tuned...

Apple's new memory expansion card has a PC interface and this RWTS will work with that card as well, but some modification will be needed to use more than one PC at a time. The installation code could scan all slots looking for PCs and build a table of valid slots and entry addresses. Then the initial code at MY.RWTS could search that table and plug the appropriate PC.DISPATCH address into the calls.

The Protocol Converter sees the UniDisk as 1600 blocks of 512 bytes each, for a total of 819,200 (800K) bytes of storage. We have no way to find out about actual tracks and sectors on the disk; this drive seems to use the Macintosh scheme of a variable number of blocks per track. Therefore, we're going to translate DOS's tracks and sectors into some block number and ask the PC for that block, not worrying about where it actually comes from.

The VTOC on a DOS disk has room for 50 tracks of 32 sectors each. That adds up to 400K, or exactly half a UniDisk, so we should be able to set things up with 2 logical drives of 400K each. The number of tracks per disk and the number of sectors per track are both stored as parameters in the VTOC as well, just to make things easier. Two drives per disk means that we can put drive one in the lower 800 blocks and drive two in the upper 800. Figuring that 32 sectors per track means 16 blocks per track and two sectors per block gives us this equation:

     BLOCK = (DRIVE-1)*800 + TRACK*16 + SECTOR/2

An even-numbered sector is in the lower half of a block, odd in the upper half.

Since each sector is half of one block on the disk, we can't just write one sector. We have to read a block, copy the new information into half of the buffer, then write that block back out. This takes extra time, but simplifies some of the control logic because every call does a read first.

That first working version of RWTS 3.5 did a new read for every read call, and a new read and write for every write. Well that proved to be much too slow, even slower than the old Disk II. Then I realized that nearly all DOS operations are reading or writing consecutive sectors in a file, so I must be spending a lot of time reading a block that was already in my buffer just to get the sector in the other half of the block. Sure enough, the performance almost doubled when I started keeping track of which block was in the buffer and skipping re-reads of the same block. It does seem to be a good idea to make a special case of the VTOC sector and always re-read that one, just in case we change disks after writing the VTOC as the last operation on the old disk.

Line by Line

In the INSTALL routine we first make sure there is a Protocol Converter in the slot this RWTS expects. If so, we patch in the JMP to our code near the beginning of the normal RWTS and disable INIT by patching an RTS instruction at the beginning of the command handler. MOVE then puts our routine into place at $BEAF and looks up the PC entry point into the ROMS and installs that address into the instructions that call the interface card. NO.PC provide an error message if we can't find a PC. The ID.TABLE has the bytes which mark a PC interface, interspersed with $FFs so we can use the same index for the ROM and the table.

The meat of the program begins at MY.RWTS. We enter here with slot*$10 in the A register so we can check to see if we need to handle this call. If not we execute the instructions we overwrote with the JMP and go back to the normal RWTS. If is is our call, the first thing we do at MINE is check to see if we handled the last RWTS call as well. If so, all is well, but if normal RWTS was used last then it clobbered the buffer at $BB00. We therefore trash LAST.BLOCK so the tests down at CHECK.FOR.RE.READ will be forced to read a new block.

SET.BLOCK tranforms the requested track and sector into a block number, in the process setting carry to indicate whether we want the high or low half of the block. SET.POINTERS then creates two pointers for MY.BUFFER and IOB.BUFFER, using that carry bit along the way. At SET.DRIVE we check which drive is called for and modify BLOCK to read the other half of the diskette if it says drive 2. While we're at it, we plug the drive number into the volume number found, so it will appear as the volume number in a CATALOG. SET.COMMAND gets the command and makes sure it's either READ or WRITE. Anything else becomes a NOP.

At CHECK.FOR.RE.READ we compare the block number requested with the number of the block in the buffer and if they're different we go on to read the new block. If we already have the block we need, CHECK.FOR.VTOC double-checks to see if it's a VTOC we're reading. If so, we need to re-read it anyway, in case it's now a different disk in the drive. Once all that rigamarole is out of the way, the eight bytes at READ are all it takes to actually read the block!

At SKIP.READ we get the command again. (I just noticed that we can move the SET.COMMAND code to this point, since doing an extra READ won't hurt anything, even if the command is bad. That way we can eliminate MY.COMMAND and its STA and LDA instructions. Furthermore, changing the CMP #2 to an LSR and changing the BEQ to a BCC shaves out another byte, for a total of five fewer bytes. There's always more space to be found!) If the command is a READ then READ.MOVE.BUFFER copy MY.BUFFER into the IOB's buffer and we're done. If it's a WRITE, WRITE.MOVE.BUFFER copies the other way, from the IOB buffer into mine, and then calls the ROM to write out the block. Then GOOD.EXIT clears carry and loads a return code of zero before branching to the end. ERROR.EXIT loads up either WRITE PROTECT or DRIVE ERROR and sets carry before returning to the caller.

FORMAT 3.5 ---

Since we threw away INIT to fit all this inside of DOS, and since the standard INIT wouldn't put enough VTOC or CATALOG space on the disk, we're also going to need a special FORMAT program.

There are two stages in the process of formatting a disk: initializing all the tracks with address information; and writing the VTOC, empty catalog track, and boot program. Initializing a Protocol Converter device is easy, just call the PC and let it do all the work. Then we can use our nice new RWTS to write all the rest of the necessary data. Just be sure that RWTS 3.5 is installed before calling FORMAT 3.5.

Since this catalog track is 31 sectors long there is room for 217 files instead of the normal 105. Other than the length, the structure is exactly the same as a normal DOS catalog. The differences in the VTOC are bytes $34-35, the number of tracks per disk and sectors per track, and the bitmap. The bitmap skips tracks $0 and $11, fills all four bytes per track rather than alternate pairs, and extends all the way to the end of the sector.

The boot program here is just a quick message. I hope to have a real boot loader ready for next month's AAL.

  1010 *--------------------------------
  1020 UNIDISK.SLOT        .EQ 5
  1040 MY.COMMAND          .EQ $26
  1070 IOB.PTR             .EQ $48
  1090 MY.BUFFER           .EQ $BB00
  1110 PATCH.POINT         .EQ $BD12
  1120 PATCH.RETURN        .EQ $BD15
  1140 PC.DISPATCH         .EQ UNIDISK.SLOT*$100+$C000
  1160 PRBYTE              .EQ $FDDA
  1170 COUT                .EQ $FDED
  1180 *--------------------------------
  1190        .OR $803
  1200        .TF RWTS 3.5
  1220 INSTALL
  1230        LDX #6            make sure we have a
  1240 .1     LDA ID.TABLE,X    protocol converter
  1250        CMP UNIDISK.SLOT*$100+$C001,X
  1260        BNE NO.PC
  1270        DEX
  1280        DEX
  1290        BPL .1
  1310        LDA #$4C          patch in the JMP
  1320        STA PATCH.POINT   to our code
  1330        LDA #MY.RWTS
  1340        STA PATCH.POINT+1
  1350        LDA /MY.RWTS
  1360        STA PATCH.POINT+2
  1370        LDA #$60
  1380        STA $A54F         disable INIT
  1400 MOVE   LDY #IMAGE.SIZE+1 install our code
  1410 .1     LDA IMAGE-1,Y
  1420        STA MY.RWTS-1,Y
  1430        DEY
  1440        BNE .1
  1460        CLC
  1470        LDA UNIDISK.SLOT*$100+$C0FF
  1480        ADC #3            find protocol
  1490        STA READ.CALL     converter entry
  1500        STA WRITE.CALL
  1510        BNE DONE          ...always
  1530 NO.PC  LDX #0
  1540 .1     LDA MESSAGES,X    print an error message
  1550        BEQ DONE
  1560        JSR COUT
  1570        INX
  1580        BNE .1
  1590 DONE   JMP $3D0
  1600 *--------------------------------
  1620        .HS 8D
  1630        .AS -/No PC in slot /
  1640        .DA #$B0+UNIDISK.SLOT
  1650        .HS 878D00
  1660 *--------------------------------
  1670 ID.TABLE .HS 20.FF.00.FF.03.FF.00
  1680 *            ^     ^     ^     ^
  1690 *        Protocol Converter ID Bytes
  1700 *--------------------------------
  1710 IMAGE  .EQ *
  1720        .PH $BEAF
  1730 MY.RWTS
  1740        CMP #UNIDISK.SLOT*$10
  1750        BEQ MINE          my call!
  1760        TAX               not mine, so do
  1770        LDY #$F           patched-over code
  1780        JMP PATCH.RETURN  and go back
  1790 *--------------------------------
  1800 MINE
  1810        LDY #$F
  1820        CMP (IOB.PTR),Y   check previous slot
  1830        BEQ SET.BLOCK     same, so go on
  1840        STA (IOB.PTR),Y   set previous slot
  1850        LDA #$FF
  1860        STA LAST.BLOCK    trash LAST.BLOCK
  1880 SET.BLOCK
  1890        LDA #0
  1900        STA BLOCK+1
  1910        LDY #4
  1920        LDA (IOB.PTR),Y   get track
  1930 .1     ASL
  1940        ROL BLOCK+1       *16
  1950        DEY
  1960        BNE .1
  1970        STA BLOCK
  1980        LDY #5
  1990        LDA (IOB.PTR),Y   get sector
  2000        LSR               /2, odd/even into carry
  2010        ORA BLOCK
  2020        STA BLOCK
  2050        LDA #MY.BUFFER
  2070        LDA /MY.BUFFER
  2080        ADC #0       carry sets hi/lo half of buffer
  2090        STA MY.BUFFER.POINTER+1
  2100        LDY #8
  2110        LDA (IOB.PTR),Y   get IOB buffer
  2130        INY
  2140        LDA (IOB.PTR),Y
  2150        STA IOB.BUFFER.POINTER+1
  2170 SET.DRIVE
  2180        LDY #2
  2190        LDA (IOB.PTR),Y   get drive
  2200        LDY #$10
  2210        STA (IOB.PTR),Y   set previous drive
  2220        DEY
  2230        DEY
  2240        STA (IOB.PTR),Y   set previous volume
  2250        LSR
  2260        BCS SET.COMMAND   .CS. if D1
  2270        LDA BLOCK         add 800 to BLOCK if D2
  2280        ADC #800
  2290        STA BLOCK
  2300        LDA BLOCK+1
  2310        ADC /800
  2320        STA BLOCK+1
  2350        LDY #$C
  2360        LDA (IOB.PTR),Y   get command
  2370        BEQ GOOD.EXIT
  2380        CMP #3            exit if not READ or WRITE
  2390        BCS GOOD.EXIT
  2400        STA MY.COMMAND    save command
  2430        LDX #0            zero the flag
  2440        LDY #1            check two bytes
  2450 .1     LDA BLOCK,Y
  2460        CMP LAST.BLOCK,Y  compare
  2470        BEQ .2            same, so go on
  2480        INX               different, so flag it
  2490        STA LAST.BLOCK,Y  and store new value
  2500 .2     DEY
  2510        BPL .1            now do low bytes
  2520        TXA               check the flag
  2530        BNE READ          if different, go read
  2560        LDY #5
  2570        LDA (IOB.PTR),Y   get sector
  2580        BNE SKIP.READ     non-zero isn't VTOC
  2590        DEY
  2600        LDA (IOB.PTR),Y   get track
  2610        CMP #$11
  2620        BNE SKIP.READ     not $11 isn't VTOC
  2650 READ.CALL .EQ *-2
  2660        .DA #1            READ
  2670        .DA PARMLIST
  2680        BCS ERROR.EXIT
  2700 SKIP.READ
  2710        LDA MY.COMMAND    check command
  2720        CMP #2
  2760        LDY #0
  2770 .1     LDA (MY.BUFFER.POINTER),Y
  2780        STA (IOB.BUFFER.POINTER),Y
  2790        INY
  2800        BNE .1
  2810        BEQ GOOD.EXIT     ...always
  2840        LDY #0
  2850 .1     LDA (IOB.BUFFER.POINTER),Y
  2860        STA (MY.BUFFER.POINTER),Y 
  2870        INY
  2880        BNE .1
  2910 WRITE.CALL .EQ *-2
  2920        .DA #2            WRITE
  2930        .DA PARMLIST
  2940        BCS ERROR.EXIT
  2960 GOOD.EXIT
  2970        CLC
  2980        LDA #0
  2990        BEQ EXIT          ...always
  3020        CMP #$2B     write protect?
  3030        BEQ .1
  3040        LDA #$40     make everything else DRIVE ERROR
  3050        .HS 2C
  3060 .1     LDA #$10
  3070        SEC
  3090 EXIT   LDY #$D
  3100        STA (IOB.PTR),Y   save return code
  3110        RTS
  3120 *--------------------------------
  3140        .DA #3        3 parameters
  3150        .DA #1        unit number
  3160        .DA MY.BUFFER buffer address 
  3170 BLOCK  .BS 3         block number
  3200 *--------------------------------
  3210        .BS $BF97-*
  3220        .EP
  3230 IMAGE.END .EQ *-1
  3250        .LIF
  1010 *--------------------------------
  1040 RWTS         .EQ $3D9
  1080 HOME         .EQ $FC58
  1090 COUT         .EQ $FDED
  1100 *--------------------------------
  1110        .OR $803
  1120 *      .TF FORMAT.UNIDISK
  1150        LDA UNIDISK.SLOT*$100+$C0FF
  1160        ADC #3
  1170        STA PC.CALL
  1180        JSR PC.DISPATCH   format the disk
  1190 PC.CALL .EQ *-2
  1200        .DA #3
  1210        .DA PC.PARMS
  1220        BCS ERROR
  1230        LDA #2
  1240        STA DRIVE         do drive 2 first
  1270        JSR CLEAR.BUFFER
  1280        LDA #$11
  1290        STA TRACK
  1300        STA MY.BUFFER+1   link pointer
  1310        LDY #$1F
  1320 .1     STY SECTOR
  1330        DEY
  1340        BNE .2
  1350        STY MY.BUFFER+1   mark end of catalog
  1360 .2     STY MY.BUFFER+2   link pointer
  1370        JSR CALL.RWTS
  1380        LDY SECTOR
  1390        DEY
  1400        BNE .1            and go back for more
  1410        STY SECTOR
  1430 DO.VTOC
  1440        JSR CLEAR.BUFFER
  1450        LDX #0
  1460 .1     LDY VTOC.INDEXES,X
  1470        LDA VTOC.VALUES,X
  1480        STA MY.BUFFER,Y   set VTOC header info
  1490        INX
  1500        CPX #ENTRY.COUNT
  1510        BCC .1
  1520        LDA DRIVE         use drive # for volume
  1530        STA MY.BUFFER+6
  1540        LDA #$FF
  1550        INY
  1560 .2     INY               skip a track in bitmap
  1570        INY
  1580        INY
  1590        INY
  1600 .3     STA MY.BUFFER,Y   mark free
  1610        INY
  1620        BEQ .4            leave if done
  1630        CPY #$7C          track $11?
  1640        BEQ .2            yes, skip it
  1650        BNE .3            no, go on
  1660 .4     JSR CALL.RWTS     
  1670        DEC DRIVE         now go back and
  1680        BNE DO.CATALOG    do drive one
  1710        INC DRIVE         that was drive one,
  1720        JSR CLEAR.BUFFER  so write a boot sector
  1730        STA TRACK         A = 0
  1740        STA SECTOR
  1750        LDY #BOOT.SIZE
  1760 .1     LDA BOOT.IMAGE,Y  install the image
  1770        STA MY.BUFFER,Y
  1780        DEY
  1790        BPL .1            fall into CALL.RWTS
  1800 *--------------------------------
  1810 CALL.RWTS
  1820        LDA /IOB
  1830        LDY #IOB
  1840        JSR RWTS
  1850        BCS ERROR
  1860        RTS
  1870 ERROR  BRK
  1880 *--------------------------------
  1900        LDY #0
  1910        TYA
  1920 .1     STA MY.BUFFER,Y
  1930        INY
  1940        BNE .1
  1950        RTS
  1960 *--------------------------------
  1970 PC.PARMS .DA #1     one parm
  1980          .DA #1     unit one
  1990 *--------------------------------
  2000 IOB    .DA #1
  2010 SLOT   .DA #UNIDISK.SLOT*$10
  2020 DRIVE  .BS 1
  2030 VOL    .DA #0
  2040 TRACK  .BS 1
  2050 SECTOR .BS 1
  2060 DCT    .DA $B7FB
  2080        .BS 1
  2090        .DA #0
  2100 COMAND .DA #2       write
  2110 RETURN .BS 1
  2120 P.VOL  .BS 1
  2130 P.SLOT .BS 1
  2140 P.DRIV .BS 1
  2150 *--------------------------------
  2180 VTOC.VALUES  .HS 04.11.1F.03.7A.
  2190 *--------------------------------
  2210        .PH $800
  2220 BOOT   .HS 01
  2230        JSR HOME
  2240        LDY #0
  2250 .1     LDA MESSAGE,Y
  2260        BEQ .2
  2270        JSR COUT          print message
  2280        INY
  2290        BNE .1
  2300 .2     BEQ .2            and hang...
  2320 MESSAGE
  2330        .HS 8D8D8D
  2340        .AS -/Sorry, can't boot DOS here yet./
  2350        .HS 8D8700
  2360        .EP
  2380 *--------------------------------
  2390 MY.BUFFER
  2400        .LIF

Recovering & Repairing Lost ProgramsPeter Bartlett, Jr.
Eldridge, Iowa

As a long-time user of the S-C Macro Assembler, I have learned a few tricks to save a lot of aggravation. Sometimes I mistakenly erase the source program I have in memory with the "NEW" or "LOAD" command. The program is not actually gone; instead, the pointer to the start of the program is changed.

At one time, I would adjust the source pointer by hand until my program was restored, but this was slow and painful. So like all good hackers I now have a little program to find the start of a program and adjust the pointer automatically.

My "Find.Start" program searches through memory for a source line numbered 1000 and resets the source pointer to that line. The search begins at HIMEM and proceeds down until it finds line 1000 or address $800.

The program itself is a simple search for the two-byte hex equivalent of 1000. On entry, the program starts the search at HIMEM and sets the "DONE.ONCE" flag so subsequent re-entries pick up the search where it last left off.

After the program stops, you can run it again to find the next lower source line numbered 1000. If several programs have been loaded into memory, you can run "Find.Start" several times to point to the start of each one.

The only way to start the search from HIMEM again is to re-load the program. It's not elegant, but does it really need to be?

In many instances, the next step is to re-construct the scrambled part of a program. This usually seems impossible, because the program's internal pointers will probably be scrambled and cause weird problems when editing.

Instead of fighting with the program (or hand-patching as I used to do), just use the handy "TEXT" command built into the assembler to create a text version of your program. Then enter the "AUTO" mode and "EXEC" the text version of your program back into memory. This will rectify all the internal pointers and leave you free to edit your program back into shape.

Perhaps that last paragraph is obvious, but I didn't think of it until recently. And we've had the "TEXT" command available for a long time!

  1010 *--------------------------------
  1040 *--------------------------------
  1050 SRCP   .EQ $00,01
  1060 HIMEM  .EQ $4C,4D
  1070 PP     .EQ $CA,CB
  1080 *--------------------------------
  1090        .OR $300
  1100 *--------------------------------
  1110 DO
  1120        LDX PP       IF NOT FIRST TIME,
  1130        LDA PP+1          START WHERE WE LEFT OFF
  1140        BIT DONE.ONCE.FLAG
  1150        BMI .1       ...NOT FIRST TIME
  1160 *---HAS TO BE A FIRST TIME-------
  1170        SEC          SET FLAG
  1180        ROR DONE.ONCE.FLAG
  1200        LDA HIMEM+1
  1210 *---STORE STARTING POINTER-------
  1220 .1     STX SRCP
  1230        STA SRCP+1
  1240        JSR DEC.SRCP
  1250 *---SEARCH FOR "1000"------------
  1260 .2     JSR DEC.SRCP
  1270        LDA SRCP+1
  1280        CMP /$0800   DON'T SEARCH BEYOND $800
  1290        BCC .3       ...END OF SEARCH
  1300        LDY #0
  1310        LDA (SRCP),Y
  1320        CMP #1000    COMPARE LO-BYTE
  1330        BNE .2       ...NO, KEEP SCANNING
  1340        INY          ...MATCH, CHECK HI-BYTE
  1350        LDA (SRCP),Y
  1360        CMP /1000
  1370        BNE .2       ...NO, KEEP SCANNING
  1380 *---FOUND IT, POINT PP TO IT-----
  1400        LDA SRCP
  1410        STA PP
  1420        LDA SRCP+1
  1430        STA PP+1
  1440 .3     RTS
  1450 *--------------------------------
  1460 DEC.SRCP
  1470        LDA SRCP
  1480        BNE .1
  1490        DEC SRCP+1
  1500 .1     DEC SRCP
  1510        RTS
  1520 *--------------------------------
  1530 DONE.ONCE.FLAG .HS 00
  1540 *--------------------------------

More and Better Division by SevenBob Sander-Cederlof

I can think of at least three good reasons we need a good subroutine for dividing by seven. We need it in computations involving the day of week. We need it in hi-res graphics programs to calculate the byte and bit for a particular pixel between 0 and 279 for normal hi-res, or between 0 and 559 for double hi-res. Lastly, the new protocol converter interface used in connection with the Unidisk 3.5 works with packets of up to 767 bytes which are made up of a number of 7-byte groups.

In looking through the assembly listing of the new //c ROMs, which come with the Unidisk 3.5 update, I noticed a divide-by-seven subroutine at $CB45-CBAF. The code divides the buffer size, which can be up to $2FF, by seven, and saves both the quotient and the remainder. The code looks too large and too slow and too complicated ... in other words, it looks like a challenging assignment. My transposition of the //c code follows, and as I count cycles it takes from 133 to 268 cycles depending on the value of the dividend. The code and tables take 71 bytes in the //c ROM.

While I was musing on the possibilities, Michael Hackney called me from Troy, New York. He wondered if we were interested in publishing his fast 65802 routine for dividing by seven. Michael uses his in a speedy double hi-res program. He divides values up to 559 ($22F) by seven, keeping both the quotient and remainder, in 66 cycles. Michael's subroutine itself is short (37 bytes), but he uses a 140-byte table to achieve the speed. Adding another 84 bytes to the tables extends the range to handle dividends up to 895 ($37F).

(In all the times and lengths given here, I am not counting the JSR-RTS cycles nor the RTS byte. I assume the code is critical enough that it would be placed in-line in actual use, rather than made into a JSR-called subroutine. I am also not counting any overhead I added to switch from 65802 mode to 6502 and back, as this was only added due to my test program being in 65802 mode. All of the subroutines use page zero for variable and temporary storage. They would be longer and slightly slower if the variables and temporaries were not in page zero.)

Yesterday I spent the whole day dividing by seven. I came up with two new subroutines: one for the 65802, and one for a normal 6502. They are both small and fast. First I tackled the 65802 version, and based in on multiplying by 1/7 as a binary fraction. This one came out 39 bytes long, executing in 64 cycles. This one used a fudge factor; the largest dividend it can handle is 594 ($252). By using alternate code to extend the precision, numbers up to 895 ($37F) can be handled. This one takes the same number of bytes, but 9 cycles longer.

Finally, I wrote a normal 6502 version. Strangely enough, it came out only 60 bytes long and only 76 cycles! Makes me wonder if I couldn't do better in the 65802, given another day or two. The 6502 version handles dividends up to 1023 ($3FF). It would be two bytes shorter if the range was restricted to $2FF.

Here is a table summarizing the size, timing, and dividend range for the various subroutines:

                       bytes   cycles   dividend
             //c ROM     71   133-268    0-$2FF
       Hackney 65802    177      66      0-$22F
          RBSC 65802-1   39      64      0-$252
          RBSC 65802-2   39      73      0-$37F
           RBSC 6502     60      76      0-$3FF

The listing which follows includes all five versions, plus a testing program. The testing program runs through the entire range from $3FF down to 0. After doing the division by the selected method, a check subroutine tests for a valid remainder (a number less than 7); it further tests that the quotient*7 +remainder = the original dividend. If not, the dividend, quotient, and remainder are all printed in hexadecimal. If they are correct, the next dividend is tried. A keyboard pausing subroutine allows you to stop the display momentarily and/or abort the test run.

Lines 1020-1060 control some conditional assembly which select which division method to use. By changing the value of VERSION in line 1020 I can assemble any one of the four routines. I used the "CON" listing option in line 1180 (which is not itself listed: it is "1180 .LIST CON") so that you can see what the un-assembled lines of code are. Other conditional code at lines 1720-1860 and 4010-4050 selects options mentioned above.

Lines 1200-1540 control each test run. I wrote this program using 65802 instructions, although it would not be difficult to re-write it for a plain 6502. Lines 1210-1220 enter the 65802 Native Mode, and lines 1520-1530 leave it. It is VERY IMPORTANT to be sure you do not exit a program and return to normal Apple software while still in the Native Mode. The most fantastic things can happen if you forget!

Lines 1580-1950 are my 65802 version. This entire subroutine is executed in the 65802 native mode, with the M-bit set so the A-register operations are 16-bits. The value 1/7 in binary is .001001001001001...forever. Multiplying by than number should give the same answer as dividing by seven. It also has the surprising side effect that the three bits after the "quotient" portion of the product will be equal to the "remainder". The values of the fractions from 0/7 to 6/7 are just nice that way:

              repeating  same value   the first
     fraction  decimal     in hex     three bits
       0/7    .000000     .000          000
       1/7    .142857..   .249..        001
       2/7    .285714..   .492..        010
       3/7    .428571..   .6DB..        011
       4/7    .571428..   .924..        100
       5/7    .714285..   .B6D..        101
       6/7    .857142..   .DB6..        110

Wow! Isn't that neat? More justification for the numerologists who claim that seven is the "perfect" number.

Now it remains to find the most efficient way to multiply by that fraction. The method I came up with first forms the product for .01000001 (lines 1600-1670). Then I divide that result by 8, which is the product for .00001000001 (lines 1680-1700). Adding the two products in line 1710 gives me the product for .01001001001 (approximately 2/7). Dividing that by two gives me an approximation for the division by seven. The code that follows in lines 1720-1800 is not assembled, because of the ".DO 0" line. What it does is extend the multiplication to include one more partial product. The shortest way I could think of to get that little number is demonstrated in the code you see. The extra precision makes my subroutine work for dividends up to $37F. It fails above that value because of overflow during the multiplication. If I leave out the extra precision, the subroutine gets the wrong answers for some numbers at each end of the range. By adding a "fudge factor" (a trick learned in college laboratory assignments to force experimental results to fit the laws of science), I can make all the dividends up to $252 work. The fudge factor adds $000A for values in the A-register of $8800 or more, and only $0008 for values below $8800.

Line 1870 is the division by two mentioned above. Lines 1880-1940 shift the first three bits of the remainder over to the correct position in the lower byte of the A-register. As I was writing the previous sentence, it suddenly struck me that the second set of three bits might be the same as the first set, if my multiplications happened to be precise enough. I went back to the assembler, changed line 1720 to ".DO 1" so the more precise version would assemble, and then replaced lines 1910-1930 with "1910 AND #7". Guess what! It worked! One byte shorter and four cycles faster! That makes it 38 bytes long, and only 69 cycles.

Next is my 6502 version, lines 1970-2370. The first four lines simply save the current state of the M and X bits, and the mode, and switch to 6502 emulation mode. They are matched by lines 2340-2360, which restore the mode and state. These will work regardless of what mode and state the machine was in when the subroutine was called. Since the subroutine would normally only be used in a 6502, you would leave out lines 1980-2010 and 2340-2360. I did not count them when timing the code. Back in December of 1984 I wrote in these pages of a nifty way to divide a one-byte value by seven. I used that method here, for dividing the low-order byte of the dividend. I then computed the remainder by multiplying the quotient by 7 and subtracting it from the dividend. Saving that quotient and remainder, I used a table lookup to determine the quotient and remainder of the high-order byte of the number. Since it could only have the values 0-3, the tables are very short. Then I add the two remainders together, modulo 7; and the two quotients, remembering the carry from the remainder if any.

Lines 2030-2170 are essentially the same as published in that December issue of AAL, except for the addition of lines 2130, 2140, and 2160. With those two lines I am saving a few steps in the multiplication by seven that I must do. Lines 2190-2200 finish the multiplication by seven, by adding the *2 and *4 values saved above. Lines 2210-2200 form the complement of the value, so I can subtract by adding. Normally a complement is formed by:

       EOR #$FF
       ADC #1

I do the same with two less bytes and cycles here by preceding the addition at line 2230 with SEC rather than the usual CLC. I saved a byte and two cycles by storing one less than the actual remainder in the table of remainders at line 2400.

Lines 2420-2640 are called to print out the results when they don't meet expectations. Notice lines 2430-2460 and 2610-2630, which make sure I am in the correct state and mode. The monitor routines will not work correctly in 16-bit state, and may not work correctly in 65802 Native mode.

Lines 2660-2920 check the results. The subroutine returns with carry clear if the quotient and remainder are correct, or carry set if they are not. I check both by multiplying the quotient by seven and adding the remainder to see if the result equals the dividend, and I also make sure the remainder is less than seven. It is possible to get an answer with the quotient one less than it should be and a remainder of 7, so I had to test the remainder.

The PAUSE routine checks to see if any key has been typed. If so, and if it is not a <RETURN>, it waits until another key is typed. Note that I had to set 8-bit mode, to prevent the softswitch at $C011 from being switched. This also makes the CMP work properly. Otherwise the LDA $C000 would get two copies of the same character in the two halves of the A-register.

Lines 3060-3540 are essentially the code from the new //c ROMs. I re-arranged it a little, to make a stand-alone routine within my test-bed, and I changed labels and variable names. Apple uses two sets of tables. One gives quotients and remainders for 0, $100, and $200 (the high byte of the dividend). The other gives quotients and remainders for 0, $08, $10, $20, $40, and $80. A loop runs 5 times to add in the quotients and remainders for bits 3-7 of the dividend, and then fakes one more trip to add in the value of bits 0-2. Not efficient!

Michael Hackney's code is in lines 3560-4080. I'll quote from his letter.

"Apple hi-res graphics characteristically involve various calculations to determine the exact display address from a given X,Y pair. Typically, the vertical position (Y) base address is found by table look-up. The horizontal, or X, position is determined by dividing by 7 (since there are seven pixel bits per byte in the hi-res screen). The integer portion of the division is the byte offset from the base address, and the remainder is the position in the byte. Brute calculation (which is slow for graphics routines) or table lookup (which takes a lot of space) is used to do the division. Table lookup is usually used in good graphics programs. Hi-res graphics require two 280-byte tables, one for quotient and one for remainder. Double hi-res requires tables twice as big. My interest in 65802/816 double-he-res graphics drivers has prompted me to find a serviceable divide-by-seven which is quick and doesn't require more than one page of memory.

"The 65802/816 16-bit operations are ideally suited for this task. Larger numbers can be easily manipulated and table lookup can retrieve 2 bytes of data at once. My routine uses both of these techniques to perform its duty. It divides the original number by eight before doing any table lookup (this keeps the table smaller). The it mulitplies both the quotient and remainder retrieved from the table by 8. The resulting remainder is added to the original lower three bits (the ones shifted out when I divided by 8), and I look into the table again. The first quotient is added to the second quotient, and it is finished. The table only takes 140 bytes, storing quotients and remainders for numbers up to 69. Everything fits in a page with room to spare.

"As an extra bonus, I included a small routine which generates the table in situ. The area occupied by the table generator can be used for data storage once the table is built. It takes longer to load a table from disk than it does to compute one, and the generator dissappears after use, so this is the best way to do it."

In order to get the greatest speed, Michael's table should all reside entirely in the same page of memory. That is why I included line 4100, which justifies the table to the beginning of the next page.

So here you have four great answers to the challenge. Now it's your turn!

  1010 *--------------------------------
  1020 VERSION    .EQ 1
  1030 RBSC65802  .EQ 1
  1040 HACKNEY    .EQ 2
  1050 TWO.C      .EQ 3
  1060 RBSC6502   .EQ 4
  1070 *--------------------------------
  1080 DIVIDEND   .EQ 0,1
  1090 QUO.REM    .EQ 2,3
  1100 T1         .EQ 4,5
  1110 T2         .EQ 6,7
  1120 *--------------------------------
  1130 CROUT  .EQ $FD8E
  1150 COUT   .EQ $FDED
  1160 *--------------------------------
  1170        .OP 65802
  1180        .LIST CON
  1190 *--------------------------------
  1200 TEST
  1210        CLC          ENTER NATIVE MODE
  1220        XCE
  1250   .FIN
  1260        REP #$20     16-BIT A-REGISTER
  1270        LDA ##$3FF   LARGEST VALUE TO TEST
  1280        STA DIVIDEND
  1290 .1     LDA DIVIDEND
  1300   .DO VERSION=RBSC65802
  1310        JSR DIVIDE.BY.SEVEN.65802
  1320        STA QUO.REM  QUO IN 15...8, REM IN 7...0
  1330   .FIN
  1350        JSR HACKNEY.DIV7
  1360        STA QUO.REM  QUO IN 15...8, REM IN 7...0
  1370   .FIN
  1380   .DO VERSION=RBSC6502
  1390        JSR DIVIDE.BY.SEVEN.6502
  1400   .FIN
  1410   .DO VERSION=TWO.C
  1420        JSR DIV7.TWOC
  1430   .FIN
  1450        BCC .2       ...CORRECT ANSWER
  1480        BEQ .3       <RET>, ABORT
  1490        REP #$20     16-BIT A-REGISTER
  1500        DEC DIVIDEND
  1510        BPL .1       ...NEXT ONE
  1520 .3     SEC          RETURN TO EMULATION MODE
  1530        XCE
  1540        RTS
  1550 *--------------------------------
  1560 *   QUO = VAL * .001001001001001
  1570 *--------------------------------
  1580 DIVIDE.BY.SEVEN.65802
  1590        STA T1       SAVE ORIGINAL VALUE
  1600        ASL          MULTIPLY BY 64
  1610        ASL
  1620        ASL
  1630        ASL
  1640        ASL
  1650        ASL
  1660        ADC T1       ADD, EQUIV. TO * .01000001
  1670        STA T1       SAVE RESULT
  1680        LSR          DIVIDE BY 8, WHICH IS
  1690        LSR               EQUIV. TO * .00001000001
  1700        LSR
  1710        ADC T1       EQUIV TO * .01001001001
  1720   .DO 0
  1740        XBA          GET EQUIV. TO * .00000000000001
  1750        AND ##$00FF
  1760        LSR
  1770        LSR
  1780        LSR
  1790        LSR
  1800        ADC T1       EQUIV. TO * .01001001001001
  1810   .ELSE
  1820        CMP ##$8800  FUDGE FACTOR METHOD
  1830        ADC ##$0008  ADD $0008 TO ALL VALUES,
  1840        CMP ##$8800       AND $0002 MORE TO BIG ONES
  1850        ADC ##$0000
  1860   .FIN
  1870        LSR          DIVIDE BY 2, RESULT IS QUOTIENT
  1880        SEP #$20          IN HI BYTE, REM IN NEXT 3 BITS
  1890        LSR          ISOLATE REMAINDER IN LO BYTE
  1900        LSR
  1910        LSR
  1920        LSR
  1930        LSR
  1940        REP #$20
  1950        RTS
  1960 *--------------------------------
  1970 DIVIDE.BY.SEVEN.6502
  1980        PHP          SAVE M&X BITS
  1990        SEC          SWITCH TO EMULATION MODE
  2000        XCE
  2010        PHP
  2020 *--------------------------------
  2030        LDA DIVIDEND
  2040        LSR
  2050        LSR
  2060        LSR
  2070        ADC DIVIDEND
  2080        ROR
  2090        LSR
  2100        LSR
  2110        ADC DIVIDEND
  2120        ROR
  2130        AND #$FC
  2140        STA T1
  2150        LSR
  2160        STA T2
  2170        LSR
  2180        STA QUO.REM+1     QUO = LO-BYTE/7
  2190        ADC T1
  2200        ADC T2            QUO*7
  2210        EOR #$FF          -QUO*7
  2220        SEC
  2230        ADC DIVIDEND      REM
  2240        LDX DIVIDEND+1    0,1, OR 2
  2250        ADC RTBL,X
  2260        CMP #7
  2270        BCC .1
  2280        SBC #7
  2290 .1     STA QUO.REM       FINAL REMAINDER
  2300        LDA QTBL,X
  2310        ADC QUO.REM+1
  2320        STA QUO.REM+1     FINAL QUOTIENT
  2330 *--------------------------------
  2340        PLP          SWITCH TO ORIGINAL MODE
  2350        XCE
  2360        PLP          X&M BITS
  2370        RTS
  2380 *--------------------------------
  2390 QTBL   .DA #0,#36,#73,#109
  2400 RTBL   .DA #-1,#3,#0,#4
  2410 *--------------------------------
  2420 PRINT
  2430        PHP          SAVE M&X BITS
  2440        SEC          SWITCH TO EMULATION MODE
  2450        XCE
  2460        PHP          SAVE ORIGINAL MODE (C-BIT)
  2470        LDA DIVIDEND+1
  2480        ORA #"0"     PRINT DIVIDEND IN HEX
  2490        JSR COUT
  2500        LDA DIVIDEND
  2510        JSR PRBYTE
  2520        LDA #" "     PRINT QUOTIENT IN HEX
  2530        JSR COUT
  2540        LDA QUO.REM+1
  2550        JSR PRBYTE
  2560        LDA #" "     PRINT REMAINDER IN HEX
  2570        JSR COUT
  2580        LDA QUO.REM
  2590        JSR PRBYTE
  2600        JSR CROUT    <RETURN>
  2620        XCE
  2630        PLP          RESTORE M&X BITS
  2640        RTS
  2650 *--------------------------------
  2660 CHECK
  2670        LDA QUO.REM
  2680        AND ##$FF00  ISOLATE QUOTIENT
  2690        LSR          DIVIDE BY 64 FOR NOW
  2700        LSR
  2710        LSR
  2720        LSR
  2730        LSR
  2740        LSR
  2750        STA T1
  2760        LSR          MULTIPLY BY SEVEN
  2770        STA T2
  2780        LSR
  2790        ADC T1
  2800        ADC T2
  2810        STA T1       QUO * 7
  2830        AND ##$00FF  0...7
  2840        CMP ##7
  2850        BCS .1       ...INVALID REMAINDER
  2860        ADC T1       ADD QUO*7
  2880        BNE .1       ...NOT, INVALID QUO & REM
  2890        CLC          SIGNAL VALID ANSWERS
  2900        RTS
  2910 .1     SEC          SIGNAL INVALID ANSWERS
  2920        RTS
  2930 *--------------------------------
  2940 PAUSE
  2950        SEP #$20     8-BIT A-REGISTER
  2960        LDA $C000    CHECK KEYBOARD
  2970        BPL .2       NOTHING TYPED
  2980        STA $C010    CLEAR STROBE
  2990        CMP #$8D     <RETURN>?
  3000        BEQ .2       <RET>, SO DON'T PAUSE
  3010 .1     LDA $C000    SOME OTHER KEY, SO PAUSE
  3020        BPL .1       ...TILL ANOTHER KEY TYPED
  3030        STA $C010    CLEAR STROBE
  3040 .2     CMP #$8D     .EQ. IF <RET>
  3050        RTS          ...ELSE .NE.
  3060 *--------------------------------
  3070 *   DIVIDE BY 7 FROM NEW //C ROMS (AT $CB4F-CBB0)
  3100 *--------------------------------
  3110 DIV7.TWOC
  3120        PHP          SAVE X&M BITS
  3130        SEC          ENTER EMULATION MODE
  3140        XCE
  3150        PHP          SAVE PREVIOUS MODE
  3160 *---ALGORITHM FROM //C-----------
  3170        LDX DIVIDEND+1    HI BYTE (0, 1, OR 2)
  3180        LDA PDIV7TAB,X   0, $100, OR $200 DIVIDED BY 7
  3190        STA QUO.REM+1   QUOTIENT SO FAR
  3200        LDA PMOD7TAB,X   0, $100, OR $200 MOD 7
  3210        STA QUO.REM     REMAINDER SO FAR
  3220 *---PROCESS NEXT 5 BITS----------
  3230        LDX #5
  3240        LDA DIVIDEND      LOW BYTE
  3250        STA T1            WORKING COPY
  3260        AND #7            LOW 3 BITS
  3270        TAY          SAVE FOR LATER USE
  3290        BCC .4       IF CLEAR, NO EFFECT ON QUO,MOD
  3300        LDA MOD7TAB,X     GET MOD7 FOR 2^N
  3310 .2     CLC          UPDATE MOD VALUE
  3320        ADC QUO.REM
  3330        CMP #7       OVERFLOW?
  3340        BCC .3       ...NO
  3350        SBC #7       ...YES, CORRECT
  3370        LDA DIV7TAB,X     GET QUOTIENT FOR 2^N
  3380        ADC QUO.REM+1
  3390        STA QUO.REM+1     QUOTIENT SO FAR
  3400 .4     DEX               ONE LESS BIT TO DEAL WITH
  3410        BMI .5            ...FINISHED
  3420        BNE .1            ...FIVE TIMES
  3430        TYA               GET BACK FIRST 3 BITS
  3440        JMP .2            ADD IN REMAINDER
  3450 *---RETURN TO CALLER-------------
  3460 .5     PLP          ORIGINAL MODE
  3470        XCE
  3480        PLP          RESTORE X&M BITS
  3490        RTS
  3500 *--------------------------------
  3510 PDIV7TAB .DA #0,#36,#73
  3520 PMOD7TAB .DA #0,#4,#1
  3530 MOD7TAB .DA #0,#1,#2,#4,#1,#2
  3540 DIV7TAB .DA #0,#1,#2,#4,#9,#18
  3550 *--------------------------------
  3570        STA T1       SAVE VALUE
  3580        AND ##$0007  SAVE LOWER 3 BITS (MOD 8)
  3590        STA T2
  3600        LDA T1       DIVIDE BY 8
  3610        LSR
  3620        LSR
  3630        LSR
  3640        ASL          DOUBLE FOR TABLE INDEX
  3650        TAX          GET QUO & REM FROM TABLE
  3660        LDA TABLE,X
  3670        ASL          MULTIPLY BOTH BY 8
  3680        ASL
  3690        ASL
  3700        ADC T2       ADD LOWER BITS BACK
  3710        TAX          SAVE RESULT
  3720        AND ##$FF00  KEEP QUOTIENT
  3730        STA T1
  3740        TXA          GET REMAINDER
  3750        ASL          DOUBLE FOR INDEX
  3760        TAX
  3780        CLC          ADD PREVIOUS QUOTIENT
  3790        ADC T1
  3800        RTS
  3810 *--------------------------------
  3830        PHP          SAVE M&X BITS
  3840        REP #$20     LONG A-REG
  3850        LDA ##TABLE
  3860        STA T1
  3870        SEP #$30     ALL REGS SHORT
  3880        LDX #0       X = REMAINDER
  3890        TXY          Y = QUOTIENT
  3900 .1     TXA          STORE CURRENT REMAINDER
  3910        STA (T1)
  3920        INC T1
  3930        TYA          STORE CURRENT QUOTIENT
  3940        STA (T1)
  3950        INC T1
  3960        INX          NEXT REMAINDER
  3970        CPX #7
  3980        BCC .1       ...NO CHANGE TO QUOTIENT
  3990        LDX #0       NEXT QUOTIENT
  4000        INY
  4010   .DO 1
  4020        CPY #10      STOP AFTER QUO=9, REM=6
  4030   .ELSE
  4040        CPY #16      STOP AFTER QUO=15, REM=6
  4050   .FIN
  4060        BCC .1       ...NOT YET
  4070        PLP          RESTORE M&X BITS
  4080        RTS
  4090 *--------------------------------
  4100        .BS *+255/256*256-*
  4110 TABLE  .EQ *
  4120 *--------------------------------

Apple Assembly Line is published monthly by S-C SOFTWARE CORPORATION, P.O. Box 280300, Dallas, Texas 75228. Phone (214) 324-2050. Subscription rate is $18 per year in the USA, sent Bulk Mail; add $3 for First Class postage in USA, Canada, and Mexico; add $14 postage for other countries. Back issues are available for $1.80 each (other countries add $1 per back issue for postage).

All material herein is copyrighted by S-C SOFTWARE CORPORATION, all rights reserved. (Apple is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.)