Today many American citizens, including Christians,
have little idea of the connection between our nation’s
unique success and its Biblical foundation. This is one
reason our nation continues to depart from Christian
principles and values in the public as well as the private
spheres. Equally tragic is the fact that many Christians do
not have the Biblical framework by which to evaluate and
respond to laws and policies being advanced at all levels
of civil government; nor do they understand how those
laws and policies impact and shape the cultural and moral
trajectory of the nation. Though this booklet is not a
thorough commentary on political philosophy, history, or
issues, it was written to encourage Christians to bring the
Bible back into the political conversation so that God’s
glory may be made manifest through His people in this
needy arena as we confront others with the all-important
question: “Who determines truth: God or man?”
In the midst of a culture full of political deception and wickedness may the people that do know their God … be strong, and do exploits (Daniel 11:32). As Christians are re-educated and re-challenged to obey God’s Word in this critical area, may He grant our nation His favor and blessing for the ultimate glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. (Ephesians 6:10).
Samuel Smith was born in Dallas, Texas, but grew up primarily in Cairo, Egypt, where
his father taught at the American University. He was educated at home. At age 9,
he accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior. After receiving his salvation,
Samuel grew in his personal relationship with God which included diligent
study of the Word of God. He also cultivated a keen interest in U.S. history,
alongside an affinity for mathematics, music, and athletics. Opportunities for
teaching and leadership in these areas of interest, including helping other
young men to study the Scriptures and follow Christ in discipleship,
heightened Samuel’s love for God, for people, and for his country.
This led him to attend the U.S. Military Academy at West Point,
graduating with a bachelors degree in Civil Engineering and Mathematics.
After his graduation, Samuel began investigating the teaching of the Scriptures on civil government, while simultaneously studying works by experts in law, government, and the Constitution; including the writings of our Founding Fathers and others who framed the Constitution and formed America’s initial government. As his study progressed, Samuel’s goal began to reach beyond his own learning to a desire that others understand and appreciate the Biblical heritage and foundation of our country and its contribution to the growth and greatness of the United States of America. Samuel’s desire is to provide a concise guide (a pocket-guide) for understanding the formation of America’s constitutional government together with its historical, Christian foundation, as well as provide possible action steps by which Christians can Biblically engage the current culture. The prayer is that this booklet will be a starting resource whereby Christians are re-educated and re-challenged to obey God’s Word in this critical area. To God be the glory!
Samuel is a civil engineer in Mesquite, Texas, where he lives with his wife Lydia and four children. They are members of Rockwall Bible Church where his father is the pastor.