The word integrity has been on my mind this morning (25 May 2004), and really for at least the past week. It seems it embodies a concept missing from our world today. So, I wrote the following little essay.
Redefining Integrity.
I have heard a number of commercials lately using the word integrity. It is such a fine word, everyone wants it to be in their commercial, so people will associate the word with their name. But they cannot just SAY it, they also add a defining phrase with it to tie in with their business. For example, this morning I heard Texas Land Bank say, Integrity means being in business for 85 years.
That is hardly what it means!
Good Definitions.
The word has the same root as integer, and integral, and the first meaning is related to the thought of those words.
A short Bible study (well worth reading) on integrity begins,
In the dictionary, the word integrity means
1) an unimpaired condition, i.e., soundness, wholeness
Synonyms of integrity are honesty and unity.
2) firm adherence to a code of moral values, i.e., incorruptible, honor,
3) the quality or state of being complete or undivided, i.e., completeness.
According to another writer:
Integrity means saying what we mean and consistently doing what we say.
- Firm adherence to a standard of values
- Saying what we mean and constantly doing what we say
- Honor
- Trustworthiness and incorruptibility
Some businesses define it correctly. But just because they do so, and they include such information in their advertising, does not mean they are doing business with integrity, or that the owners and employees live up to that standard. Nevertheless, a proper understanding of the word is important, because we will not live above our understanding.
At one time Nortel had a good webpage on integrity which began with Integrity means We Do What We Say We Will Do. Acting with integrity means that, while we may not always be sure of every answer, we will not knowingly say one thing with the intention of doing another. We will not make promises that we have no intention of keeping or cannot be reasonably sure we will be able to keep. To summarize the rest:
In practice, this means:I believe they are sincerely trying to communicate to their employees what the word means, why it should be part of their character, and how it needs to be implemented in the context of their job.
1. We work hard to meet customer commitments.
2. We report information completely and accurately.
You can find quite an interesting suite of sites on the web by searching with google or some other search engine for integrity means. I am sure they are not all significant, but google found over ten million pages with those words!
One site has the following little quiz:
Are You a Person of Integrity? (Take this self-evaluation and find out.)
True or False
1. I always try to do what is right, even when it's costly or difficult.
2. I am true to my very best self.
3. I live up to the highest ethical standards.
4. I don't compromise my values by giving in to temptation.I think I am/am not a person of integrity because: ____________________
The same site goes on to define the character trait this way: Being a person of integrity means you are solid, principled, true to your very best self. It means you walk your talk by living up to your highest ethical values. It means you always try to do what's right even in tough situations, and you don't let temptation compromise your values They offer a video In Search of Character: Integrity which looks very interesting. It is the 10th in a set of ten videos aimed at high school students. They cost $70 each, or the full set of ten for $650. It looks to be very well done, and accurate in its portrayal of good character.
Here are some more definitions I found on the web:
Christina Katz offers seven ways to increase your integrity:
Yep, that is seven all right. But all it does is take pieces of the meaning of the word, and say Do it. Not really very helpful. Personally, it just makes me feel more inadequate.
In view of all this.
I long for the Christian world to be the clarion voice and witness of good character, and therefore of integrity. After all, we have Christ living in us! We are united to Him! What could be more integral than that?
For a Christian, we have the promise that the Character of Christ is being built into our lives, and this includes integrity. We can resist or cooperate. I vote for cooperate!