Full text of these Christian books

- Abide in Christ (Andrew Murray) Popular devotional with 31 short chapters; read one each day for a month.
- Bone of His Bone (F. J. Huegel)
- Daily Light on the Daily Path (Bagster & Sons) Devotional Morning and Evening Scripture Readings.
- God of All Comfort (Hannah Whitall Smith)
- Light on Life’s Duties (F. B. Meyer)
- Looking Unto Jesus (Théodore Monod)
- Secret of Guidance (F. B. Meyer)
- What Is Man? (T. Austin-Sparks)
Selections from the Bible
- The full text of the Gospel of John (King James Version).
- Parallel text of the Letter of I John in English, Spanish, French, and Greek.
- Hannah's Prayer (I Samuel 2:1-10))
- Paraphrase of Romans 1 3 4 5 6 8:17-39
- Life of Christ in Pictures: He Lived Among Us
- Jeremiah 10:10-12
Selections from favorite Christian books
- Acceptance (Miles Stanford)
- Taking Up the Cross (Hannah Whitall Smith)
- The Secret of Victory (J. Charles Stern)
- Victory in Christ (Charles G. Trumbull)
- Who I Am in Christ
- Who God Is To Us
How to become a Christian
- The Good News
- Noah Webster’s Confession of Jesus Christ as Savior
- Are you a good person? Take this test and see!
- A short presentation of the Gospel (Courtesy of Compass Bible Church).
- What is a real Christian?
Little essays or studies
- Matthew Henry's Scripture Catechism
- Faith Happiness Peace Integrity
- Are you Bored? Or Worried?
- Thoughts of Thanksgiving, by Marilee Crowell.
- What is a real Christian?
- 60-second radio clips on Science, Creation, and Evolution
- Darkness and Light in the Bible
- Short biographies of 20 Christian Men of History which I wrote while a student at Dallas Theological Seminary.
More resources
- Memorize Scripture no matter how old or young you are.
- Make Scripture Memorization a PriorityJoin Josh and friends and memorize more Scripture.
- Listen to the Bible in over 1000 languages at or
- Listen to vintage audio sermons from the past century at
- Books I Highly Recommend
- How to Die to Self (George D. Watson)
Sankey's Story of the Gospel Hymns (Ira D. Sankey)
- Good
Books in Amharic
Click to go to the site Amharic is the language of Ethiopia. My friends Brad and Betty Lapsley served as missionaries in Ethiopia for ten years, many years ago. More recently, Brad and friends built a website which now offers free downloads of over 1300 books published in Amharic.Brad died July 27, 2021, a few weeks what would have been his 94th birthday. I trust his site will continue to be available for many years to come.
The Song on our Wall
- Becky had a mural made from the sheet music of this short song.
- The words are the answer to Question 4 of the Westminster Shorter Catechism:
Q:What is God?
A: God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth.- Download this song as PDF file.
- Read scripture and commentary.